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Image Comments posted by tom_bronaugh



    When I see a photo like this I think, damn, "why can't I envision something so simple, yet so impressive and clever" ! I really love this image.. composition, colour are top notch.


    Top Chef


    I really like this. well balanced. You definitely get a true sense of this man's profession. The pots appear to be hovering in mid air, and the scene look a bit surreal. The action blur of his hands balance the same action of the fire. Very nice.

  1. A wonderful shot. I really like the composition of the dune curves. A real sense of expansiveness is evoked. I would like to see a little more detail in the blacks, but it may not be possible due to the lighting of the scene. Anyway, very well seen, well shot.



    I love the setting, the exposure and the beautiful  bride. I think the tower kind of over powers the scene, and  distracts rather than contibutes. Just an opinion... Otherwise fantastic. 

    Just you & me ...


    I really love this, very nicely done. One comment -  as I scroll down the other people's legs move out of frame and she is totally isolated with the dog. I think I like it even  more that way, with only her and the dog. Just an opinion.



     I looks like it was a long exposure with existing light, given the star trails? But the brightness on the canoe appears a bit flash-like. Anyway, I really like it, well done

  2. Nice Models! I'm no pro by any stretch, trying to learn as I go myself. My 2 cents would be, use a shallower depth of Field, especially when the background is unattractive or distracting. Better yet, in this case, see if you could move the subject(s) to somewhere else. I like that you got down to the child's eye level.

    Cobble way


    I really enjoy this image. Simple, effective and draws you in, telling a brief story, or making you wish you could follow the person down the street. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoy your work.

    I may post some of my own sometime.



    A nice subject (or subjects), but I think a bit of  fill flash or reflector would be needed to expose her right face (left side of photo). Harsh shadows are generally not desirable when doing portraiture. Also, I'm not a portrait photographer (definitely and amature), but waiting for an overcast day may have been a way around using any flash whatsoever- I hate flash exposures. (This would have made the flowers look better also). Additionally, I kind of  think the azelea, though beatiful in its own right, is a bit distracting in this photo, competing with, rather than complementing, the subject. It might be better to place the subject further in front of the flowers, and use a shallow depth of field (if you have that capability on your camera), thereby bluring the flowers a bit, and make the subject stand out. It seems like I see a lot of photos in which it is uncertain what exactly is the subject. I think it is probably obvious to the photographer, but not always to the viewer.

    Maybe I'll have the guts to have a photo of my own critiqued some time on this website!

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