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Posts posted by arthur_smith1

  1. <p>I just swapped out the "stock" screen for an Acute Matte D on my 500CM, and honestly, I am not seeing a whole lot oof difference. Then again, I have a yellow filter on, as I have been shooting with Tri-X 400 speed B&W film. People rave about this screen, but I am not seeing what the big deal about it is.</p>
  2. <p>Thank you, Vick. I am going to try that. Regarding a filter wrench, I did not even know such a thing existed? But I have also read, in looking online, about the bottle top/jar lid gripper suggestion. Makes a lot of sense. I feel like such a dope asking about direction, but it was a while back that I had put the filter onto the adapter. Clearly, the Hasselblad adapter is well made, and designed not to have the filter easily slip off, or the adapter slip off the Bay 60 bayonet fitting on the lens.</p>


  3. <p>I recently purchased from KEH a Hasselblad Bay 60 to 67mm filter adapter. I recently put a Heliopan yellow filter onto it, to do some black and white photography. I am now trying to remove the yellow filter from the adapter, as I intend to do some color photography, and use the UV Haze filter. The filter is on the ring very, very tight, and I don't want to force it. Do I turn the 67mm filter off the adaptor clockwise, or counterclockwise, to remove it? Any suggestions? I don't want to attempt this with the adaptor on the Hasselblad 80mm Carl Zeiss lens, as obviously this is very wonderful glass. <br>

    Thank you, <br>


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