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Image Comments posted by ianplant



    I found a small dry space in a grotto beneath a split waterfall deep in a

    remote red rock slot canyon in Utah. Looking back through the falls, the

    canyon walls glowed with reflected light from sunlit rocks above.

  1. Hi, thanks! These are Atlantic horseshoe crabs, which come ashore by the hundreds of thousands to spawn every summer on the Delaware Bay. They were very much alive and moving around quite a bit when I took this photo.

    Best regards,

    Ian Plant



    Earth Shadow


    30 second exposure above the clouds in Great Smoky Mountains

    National Park. Taken right after sunset when the Earth's shadow began

    to appear in the sky (the blue part right beneath the pink, which is the

    upper atmosphere still catching sunset light), with a whole bunch of ND

    filters to blur the moving clouds.

    Arch Stars


    Half-hour exposure of the stars. I bounced light off of a nearby rock with

    my flashlight during the exposure to illuminate the rocks, and then rim

    lit the arch with a rd gel over the flashlight.



    30 second exposure at twilight above moving clouds, Great Smoky

    Mountains National Park. The clouds, which are only lit by reflected

    light from the darkening blue sky above, take on a blueish cast. It was

    so dark when I took this photo, I couldn't see well enough to focus - got

    lucky and guessed right!

  2. The ancient Greeks considered a rainbow to be a path linking the

    heavens and earth. Scientists consider a rainbow to be a meteorological

    phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when

    the sun shines onto droplets of moisture in the atmosphere. I just think

    they're pretty! Los Glaciares National Park, Patagonia, Argentina.

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