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Posts posted by minox_london

  1. <p>Yes, I also had one or the other idea, but churches with twin towers so common. I Looked at York and Canterbury. I never thought of those. I really like Peters idea!</p>

    <p>I think the tall long structures/spikes? on each tower are an extremely close match to York Minster. And the third tower on the right hand side also correspond to the church. Hm... extremely interesting suggestion.</p>

    <p> P.s. An army friend told me that the 2nd Divison were transferred to India in May 1942. Their HQ was York. However their shoulder emblem was different. The London Divison Bow&Bells may or may not have been part of them. But maybe the pictures show several different officers which may not have belonged to the photographers unit. Very interesting. Yes, the 2nd divsion sailed from the west coast to India and not east coast such as Hull which is a stone throw away from York (for obvious u-boat reasons). </p>

  2. <p>I scanned these on my normal fladbed scanner 600dpi (Canon CanoScan 8800F) and then inverted the negative strip to positive. I do not have a proper film scanner. I can enlarge one or two pictures on the Minox Enlarger if it helps, and scan them back in. The Minox enlarger always produces much more detail than the scanner</p>
  3. <p>Hello, I uploaded some vintage WW2 minox negatives. They are both shot on VEF 10/10 film. If you are interested have a look at minoxriga.atwebpages.com If you recognise anything (locations, buildings,etc email me please) l will upload the a second film soon :-)</p>


    <li> Picture 2 (of 44): Lunch break, munching on delicious sandwiches</li>


    <p><img src="http://minoxriga.atwebpages.com/Riga/Film_B_individual/Film_B_02.jpg" alt="" width="439" height="455" /></p>


  4. <p>Here some of the Minox pictures I took that day :-)</p>


    <li>Picture 1 London black Cabs at night</li>

    <li>Picture 2-3 Queensway with view on Whitleys shopping centre</li>

    <li>Picture 4 Paul Rothe Marmelade and Jam in Marylebone</li>

    <li>Picture 5 Burlington Arcade near Piccadilly</li>


    <p>Film was Rollei ATP shot at 40ASA and camera either latvian Minox or Minox B. <br /> <img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/nytyef.jpg" alt="" /></p>

  5. <p>I saw this in the AP today: <br>

    Tuesday 17th January 2012<br />Chris Cheesman <br /><br /><br /><br />Minox has issued a statement on the future of its 'point-and-shoot' compact cameras after the firm's managing director suggested they were no longer worth investing in. <br /><br /> Last week Minox's managing director Thorsten Kortemeier hinted to Amateur Photographer that the firm was pulling out of the digital compact camera market in the face of increased competition from camera phones. <br /><br /> Speaking at the PMA@CESshow in Las Vegas on 12 January, Kortemeier said: 'We will not do any more compact cameras. I will not invest in them any more.' <br /><br /> Five days later, Minox's PR unit swung into action, claiming his comments have sparked a flood of enquiries to the company's HQ in Germany with 'the number of Tweets (Twitter) and telephone enquiries from the local press increasing by the hour'. <br /><br /> In a subsequent statement issued in a bid to clarify the matter this afternoon, Minox apologised for any 'misunderstanding' and said its MD had 'attempted to express the following': <br /><br />'According to GfK (community for market research), the market for digital cameras as a whole has gone markedly down, largely due to the increased use of mobile phones as a camera. <br /><br /> 'For this reason, Minox is concentrating on digital camera niche products such as the Digital Camera Classic, Spy Camera, trail cameras and sport optics products, making more than 60% of the gross turnover for Minox. <br /><br /> 'Despite this, Minox will continue to market a small assortment of digital compact cameras, such as the new DC 1611 with 16MP to be introduced in May.' <br /><br /> A Minox spokesperson conceded that the firm will not be launching as many models in future, possibly as few as one or two per year. <br /><br /> It is unclear whether production of the new DC 1611 has already started.</p>


  6. <p>I took my Minox on a spin today and shot my first film in 2012! Even though Minox Photography remains difficult, i forgot to say, it is so much fun !!!! so here a small picture of my Minox, and what great news from MS Hobbies!!! Just shows how many owners are out there who would love to try Minox photography<br>

    <a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=2qvqbgw" target="_blank"><img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/2qvqbgw.jpg" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic" border="0" />Pic</a></p>

  7. <p>I agree with Martin. I too use standard 35mm holders. I never ever put them in Minox holders. I feel (of course sujective) the tight dimensions of the Minox holder plus dust etc may increase scratches. At least I feel that the extra space in the loose fittting 35mm holder may keep them save. And they are super cheap and you can keep all formats together.</p>
  8. <p>I think around 1999/2000 I had the feeling that scanners may turn the tide of Minox photography. I dreamed of many new internet savy ebay buyers shooting some analogue film and scanning it in, reviving the whole Minox community. Sadly only a dream! Cheap film scanners stopped to increase in resolution before reaching a Minox quality. Minox'ing is as easy or as difficult as using any other exiting film camera format. Very very niche, very time consuming. Therefore worldwide I would not be surprised that only a handful (5 fingers yes) of people shoot & develop today in 2012. I personally dont count myself in, as I have shot only 4 films in 2011, all on one single weekend.</p>
  9. <p>Nice scene. Wild wild east, indeed. Do you have several shots, e.g.2 more angles or times of the train? Would make a superb series when you frame them together. Very vintage looking with the vignetting on the corners. How come this happened with the IIIs? Is it due to the enlargement? E.g did u use a camera/camera lens to digitally copy the negative? I actually believe that this accidental vignetting gives the photo the wild wild east look. Very good and it actually makes the picture!</p>
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