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louis tsai

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Image Comments posted by louis tsai


    The simplicity of the composition and elegant form of the subject matter makes this a great photo. Nice work my friend!

    spring's colors

    Pleasing colors, however, I find it difficult to decide what is your subject matter! The focus appears a little soft, and the out-of-focus highlights in the background is a little distracting.

    If I were you, I will go out right now and redo this shot, it has potentials!


    IMO, a tighter crop would be better. The lizard doesn't appear to be crispy sharp, perhaps you should have used a tripod or monopod, unless the unsharp-ness is just jpeg compression.
  1. The main problem I see with this photo is the lighting. The lighting is too harsh and unflattering. Do you notice the harsh shadows? A single flash won't work well with food photography at all, usually you need a large light source such as a sun-lit window, outdoors, or studio flash (not relenvent since you want to discuss equipment you already own).

    You need reflectors, which you can easily build out of cardboard and aluminium foil (crumple it first, then flatten it out again. Stick it to the cardboard).

    When you photograph cooked food, usually the food is not cooked with the intent to "eat". Undercook your food a little, and use very lightly cooked onion as a stand in (in this case).

    I hope my advice help you out a little. It's not comprehensive since every dish has its own character and requires slightly different approach. However, I believe what I have said is a good starting point.

    Tramunti graisani


    Stunning photo Michele! I am in two minds about the crop. I like it as it, but I keep wondering what this would look like if it was a tright crop of the crane!


    Very nice.

    foot map

    I compliment you on the original idea and the technical execution. It is a pleasing and thought provoking photo. I presume the map is digitally ovelayed later on?

    Nice work, keep it up!

    So Red The Rose

    Well executed, however, I think a little sprinkle of water and a little more saturation would enhence the shot. Perhaps you can try using a diffuser or light reflector to remove/soften some of the shadows, while leaving the rest.

    Nice work neverthless, keep it up!

    Morning mist


    Peter, you managed to sucessfully convey the atmosphere of the misty morning through your photo, well done! It looks almost like a water painting.


    I agree with the comment about having another point of interest within the photo (i.e. fisherman) however instead of human beings, I want to see a flock of birds skimming across the water.


    Very nice photo, keep up the good work!



    Dito the above comments regarding the dark border, it seems too deliberate and damages the atmosphere created by the rest of the photo.


    Otherwise it is a pleasing photo.

  2. Pleasing composition, and creative use of DOF. I agree with the above comments regarding the ratio of blurred image to sharp image, perhaps a little less of the left would help. The orientation of the photo may also benefit from a square format.


    Very good overall, keep up the good work!

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