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Posts posted by eirik_russell_roberts

  1. My vote goes to the Box Brownie. Really the first camera for the masses. I still take pictures with my No2 model D (early

    version) which is now 99 years old. My wife's great grandfather bought it, and her great grandmother used it. Several

    family portraits we have about the house are taken with it, some almost a century old. Crude it may be, but it brought photography to the people like no other camera, and to be honest it still outperforms a Holga any day of the weeks ;)

  2. Very nice Tony. They are quite rare, even more so in that condition. Mine is nowhere near as nice. I would hesistate ro

    compare them to Rolleiflexes however. Though extremely well built, they feel rougher. May of course be down to my

    example being not of the better kept. But fit and finish is not quite on par. But what is, really? What I really like is the

    cocentric wind and focusing arrangement. No need to swap hands to wind and then focus. And of course the Prominar

    lens, a Tessar formula, is not half bad. Kowa optics were (and still are - look up their scopes) very good, the one

    redeeming quality of my Kowa Super 66 system, where all else seems to be going bust.

  3. <p>It is possible to get consistent good results with Caffenol, but that requires being exact in all that you do. Amounts, temperatures, times etc all need to be adhered to. I use a variant of the Caffenol-C-H recipe from caffenol.blogspot.com. Reinhold´s blog is the best there is on all subjects caffenol. I´ve done my own blog where I´ve discussed my attempts with TMAX100 and 400, here: on-your-kitchen-worktop.blogspot.com<br>

    A note on the smell. I premix the sodium in one bottle, likewise the Vitamin-C (ascorbic acid), and the coffee solution on a third. I mix the two first together before adding the coffee. This way you only get exposed to the smell for a half minute, if that. Not that its that bad, really.<br>

    A few teasers, three different films, developed separately.<br>

    <img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1350/5125777598_5bf3f56e98_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="359" />TMAX400 EI 800</p>

    <p><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1159/5155296309_3e029b27ba_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="640" />TMAX100 EI 320</p>

    <p><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1138/5117361356_0c1dc20758_z.jpg" alt="" width="633" height="640" />TMAX100 EI320</p>

  4. <p>I´ve tried Caffenol-C-H to good effect. No fogging, even exposure, and the smell is not at all bad. The trick is to premix the three main ingredients so that when adding the coffee (last), you only have to expose yourself to it for less than a minute.<br>

    And the results? Well I mentioned that there were no technical problems. Otherwise I rather like the muted contrast, and that it to a certain degree works as a compensation developer. Is able to draw a lot of detail out of the shadows and still keep the highlights in check. For scanning it works very well, at least for TMAX100. In fact I prefer it to TMAX developer in that respect.<br>

    Caffenol-C-H, TMAX100, 18min (1min initial agitation, 10s every min thereafter. 20C (68F)<br>

    <img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1320/5100415742_fbec13d4d2_z.jpg" alt="" /><br>

    The rest of the set: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/ezzie0304/sets/72157625081279605/with/5099816537/">#mce_temp_url#</a></p>

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