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Posts posted by john_dowle1

  1. <p>Any advice on which model Pentax 67 to buy ? I'm hoping to get one shortly, I will use it for landscapes and perhaps some wedding portraits if I can get the lenses as well. Any help or tips on what to look for much appreciated as usual.<br>


  2. <p>Just wondering how many/which film medium format cameras accept digital backs ?<br>

    Thanks in advance for any feedback as usual, this could influence which manufacturer/model I go for in the near future.</p>


  3. <p>Stumbled across across this video and was shocked to see a Fuji GW690III being used with a modern flash set up for outdoor portraits, well maybe shocked is too strong but I was definitely pleasantly surprised, I'm pretty sure the first camera in the video is a Mamiya 67 and the second looks like a Fuji GW690III to me ? great to see a young successful photographer using the Fuji and Mamiya MF cameras, have a look and see what you think,
  4. <p>Wondering whats Labs you would recommend for getting my Fuji GW690III 120 colour film processed ? I've bought Kodak Ektar 100, Portra 160 & 400 for now, will get some B/W soon as well. Any advice much appreciated.<br>


  5. <p>Thank you for all the replies fellas, I'm learning a lot from reading all the information I read here on photo.net.<br>

    I have shot digital for 8 years now and I'm extremely happy with my current cameras the D3's & D700's that I use but when I visited Joe Cornishes gallery (he is a successful British landscape photographer) close the where I live I must admit that I am astounded by the quality of the large prints that are hung on the walls, incredible quality. He shoots with large format cameras and I think he also uses medium format sometimes, obviously the prints are done professionally and that must make a big difference I think.</p>

  6. <p>I was asking only out of interest, I shoot weddings with D3's & D700's but have just started with MF, I'm shooting film for my own pleasure, although I might start shooting some portraits etc with MF at some weddings this summer. I just wondered if any well known big shooters still preferred to use film MF/LF for their work, thanks for the feedback.</p>
  7. <p>I'd like a decent quality scanner, best I could afford really, so around the £250-£300 mark I reckon, when I've got images I'm really pleased with ( if I ever do get some I'm really pleased with that should be ) I'll have then printed large by a pro lab, and that will be another question no doubt, which pro lab in the UK to use ? Never ending this learning game ! LOL</p>
  8. <p>Can anyone tell me what is the difference between Disk lock and T-lock cable release shutter, I've been looking at buying a Linhof but don't know which one is compatible with the Fuji GW690III or are both suitable for the Fuji ?<br>


  9. <p>I'm a bit of a bokeh fan and was wondering if you could show me some bokeh images from the Fuji rangefinders and tell me what your opinion is about the Fuji's bokeh when shooting wide open or close to it. Thanks in advance for any feedback or help as usual.<br>


  10. <p>Thanks for the replies fellas, by the way I'm in the UK, does anyone know if used camera stores in Japan, Singapore etc have websites and actually ship cameras to Europe ? I've been told this is were the biggest number of Fuji Rangefinders are to be found ( obvious really ) and that there are good camera stores that stock Fuji Rangefinders in Seoul Korea also ?</p>
  11. <p>I'm wanting to buy a Fuji GW690 II / III and was hoping that I could get some advice on were to actually buy one and what to look out for when buying ? Any advice or help would be much appreciated, I currently shoot with Nikon D3's & D700's as well as a pair of Fuji S5's. I've never shot medium format before but have always wanted to have a go and I've seen some stunning images taken with the Fuji Rangefinders.<br>

    Thanks in advance for any help.<br>


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