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Posts posted by elle_m

  1. <p>I'm a part-time freelance portrait photographer using a 5D. As such, my arsenal includes my much-loved 24-105mm and a few other primes. I've found these to suit my needs just fine for the time being, and I'm able to supplement with rentals whenever necessary.<br>

    I have been commissioned to photograph a fairly large group, and they have asked me to photograph the group from up high. This is not a problem, and I feel quite confident my 24-105 will be perfect. However, they have requested that I also bring along an even wider lens... which I do not have. And which I am having trouble securing on such short notice.<br>

    I'm certainly not willing to purchase a wide-angle lens for this one project, and I have no friends from which to borrow a lens.<br>

    I'm assuming the group will be between 20-80 (they were unable to specify the exact amount).<br>

    Will my 24-105 be adequate? I've photographed many large groups with it before with little trouble, and photographing from a height will be advantageous in this event.<br>

    But because they've now asked me to bring a wider angle lens, I'm worried they have changed their mind about photographing from the balcony, or I won't be able to get far back enough for the photograph.<br>

    Aesthetically speaking, I'd prefer to go no wider that 24mm.</p>

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