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Posts posted by lacey_nicholl

  1. <p>Does anyone own a Minolta 7000. Someone recently gave me one. However, my prints are turning out overexposed in automatic settings. I am not sure why. If you do own one or know anything about Minolta's, do you know how to read the light meter? </p>
  2. <p>I apologize I should have been more specific. I guess my question is with lighting and correct exposure times. I want to shoot in natural lighting. I want a classical portrait. What time of day would be adequate to get the look I am going for? Should I have the lighting come in from the side of the person? I'm not sure what I want..I guess I was just looking for simple suggestions. </p>
  3. <p>Hello,<br>

    I am a freshman in college studying photography. I recently had to leave an art school due to money. I am now studying at a state school and it is not the same. When the times comes, to get a job, I am afraid I will be behind. I will have missed out on so much. I realize it was the smarter choice to transfer back because of the money. However, I am starting to think, am I really not going to save that much? What if I have to go back to school because I am so behind? I don't know I am just very confused as to what to do. </p>

  4. <p>I am taking a black and white photography class and all of the settings must be in manual. My light meter usually reads -2 or +2. I am confused as to whether that means increase the shutter speed or aperture? Also what is a good technique for determining the correct exposure when using the manual settings? </p>
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