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Posts posted by eric_williams3

  1. I found that I got better ground glass by going to my local glass

    shot and showing them a ground glass from an old Korona view camera.

    They cut me three of them. Cost, $3.00 and better than the original.

  2. I like this paper and use it for contact sheets. It is good paper and

    cheap. I think that I read somewhere that they do sell a fiber paper,

    although I have not seen this and I can't remember where I read it. I

    heard that Mitsubishi film is made be Konica so I wonder who actually

    makes the paper.

  3. I is always funny how many of the people who demonize oil and SUVs,

    are still driving vehicles with internal combustion engines. If you

    really feel that strongly about oil and the environment, why are you

    driving at all? Surely if you gave up your car it would help end

    sprawl and the crowded freeways and help the ozone layer. Think about

    it, the money that you save from not buying $5.00 a gallon gas could

    be better spent on getting yourself some much needed therapy.

  4. Mark,




    I have seen the new book and I have to tell you I was surprised at

    the look of the photographs in this book. To my eye many of the

    photographs look green and many are not as sharp as the same prints

    found in other Adams books. Compared to other Adams books, California

    for exapmle, the paperis not as glossy and to me seemed thinner, I

    have seen better paper in some high quality magazines. For the $150

    price tag I think that they could, and should have done a lot better.

    As an Adams fan who owns several of his books, I am dissapointed not

    only in the quality of this book but the steep price tag. However, I

    am looking forward to seeing the Adams at 100 show.

  5. I aquired a couple of old lenses and wonder if anyone knows anything about them. The first: "The Ideal Series B, 6 1/2 X 8 1/2, Burke+James Chicago"




    The second has some missing shutter blades it is:

    "Tessar Ic 164mm E.F. F4.5 Bausch+Lomb Rochester NY USA"




    Are these worth getting fixed? Thank you all for your help

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