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Posts posted by philrichardson

  1. <p>I was in the area last July for a few days and really enjoyed it for shooting birds. Went to Point Lobos and it was fascinating. See this link for an idea of the birds there.<br>

    <a href="http://pt-lobos.parks.state.ca.us/pdfs/Observation%20Checklist.pdf">http://pt-lobos.parks.state.ca.us/pdfs/Observation%20Checklist.pdf</a><br>

    I also went to Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Sanctuary, which is about 20 miles north of there. Limited birds in July but should be much better now. See this link<br>

    <a href="http://www.elkhornslough.org/sloughlife/birds/birding_guide.htm">http://www.elkhornslough.org/sloughlife/birds/birding_guide.htm</a><br>

    Finally, I hired a local bird guide recommended by the Slough staff to take me around for a day. He really knew his birds. We ended up going up Carmel canyon, but he knows the entire area. However he was a birding expert, not a photography expert, so I had to make an effort to get him to slow down so I could concentrate on shots at a particular location. Let me know if you would like his name.</p>

  2. <p>Submitting for critique increases visibility of your images. Some people submit for critique and rating at the same time. Whether or not you get actual critiques does not directly affect chances of being shown in a gallery.</p>
  3. <p>I had my first digital camera stolen in 2007. It was a Canon S45 point and shoot. I mistakenly put it in my suitcase when I was traveling by air. I returned from an Alaskan cruise to find it had been removed from my luggage somewhere in baggage handling. Either the airline baggage handlers or the TSA obviously. They took the battery charger as well. Lost some photos, but had also taken a second digital SLR with me, which I carried on my person and fortunately retained the bulk of my photos. Lesson learned, no valuables in checked luggage.</p>
  4. <p>I assume you are talking about the various categories under the Gallery tab on the main photo.net header? The first step is to upload photos, which you have done. Probably the next most important step is to submit your photos for rating. For each of the categories there is a different procedure that is used to develop the list of photos that viewers would see. It is basically a competition with the other photographers on the site to rise to the level that yours would be among the top photos listed in each category. Much of the priority is also based on recent submittals. One other comment. Tagging your photos well helps visibility in one of the categories and accurate, descriptive captions helps in another. I'm sure others can amplify on these comments.</p>
  5. <p>Thanks for the comments thom and Jim. On the shot with the three cranes I was inputing the caption and I got as far as the 7 for my 7D when I accidently hit the return key. That submitted the photo and there is no way to edit the captions, as we all know. I need to be more careful I guess :-) Anyway the shot was with my 400 5.6L at 5.6, 1/1250 and ISO 125.</p>
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