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Posts posted by joe_bramblett

  1. <p>Actually, the only thing that the machinery really made a serious difference in was drilling the hole right in the center of the disc and getting the PVC to the right size. Tapping it was still done by hand, and the flat could have been done easily, if slowly, with a file.<br>

    The PVC turning could be done on a drill press in a pinch, or even with a hand drill in a vise.<br>

    The PVC pieces just sit in the camera, and are kept in place by the 120 spools when it's loaded, so the only permanent modification to the camera is the hole for the winding shaft. I may have to alter the leaf spring on the door, though, as it causes a lot of extra friction by pressing against the spool rim.</p>


  2. <p>I used Steve's counts, as posted above. As for the knob, I got fancy over the weekend and made one from a steel disc; I swapped the bolt for a piece of allthread, drilled and tapped the disc almost all the way through so the allthread would bottom out in the hole, then milled a flat on one side to make it easy to count turns. Since it will only be turned to the right, (tightening the disc on the rod) loosening should never be an issue.</p>
  3. <p>Just (sorta) finished a similar 120 conversion on a Land 850. I previously tried running 35mm through just to check the lens and shutter, with passable results. <br>

    I used a 1/2" pvc cap turned down to 1" OD and .725 length on the wood lathe to make the top spacer for the takeup side, (with part cut out to clear the hump of the original roll guide) and two 3/4" caps cut to 1/2" and whatever was left to make spacers to keep the supply reel centered. Still need to make a knob, as I currently just have the bolt head hanging out there and a small wrench to wind the film with. <br>

    More 120 and a battery for the meter ordered from Adorama yesterday, so we'll see how this thing can do. </p>

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