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Posts posted by jim_service

  1. <p>I'm familiar with this mall policy. I've been kicked out of some of the finest malls in the Bay Area. I've also gone to the trouble of arranging for permission from the management.<br>

    In talking to security and management over many years, I've been told repeatedly that the concern is that the shop owners are very sensitive to having their window displays photographed, for competitive reasons.</p>

  2. <p>+1 to Marcus. I'd prefocus on a clod of dirt where the horses are going to run and then turn off AF, re-frame the shot and you're set. I'd also do what i could to get a decent d.o.f., primarily by dropping down from 1/2000 sec. 1/1000 or even 1/500 would probably do nicely, though you didn't say what focal length you're shooting at.<br>

    This same technique works for lots of sporting events.</p>

  3. <p>Wow, the change in format seems to have inspired everyone. I'm really knocked out by the submissions this week.<br>

    Here's a shot from Monday in McCovey Cove at the Giants Playoff game. A perfect day and a perfect evening (if you were a San Franciscan).<br>

    I have a good shot of Elvis Costello at Hardly Strictly from the week before, but it was taken with my Nikon. Does anybody know how to edit EXIF information? ;-)</p><div>00aw9w-500065584.jpg.1f5e4c9fb9e5bc8fe81b06b43b5fe942.jpg</div>

  4. <p>Market forces are at work here. Simply put, you want it and they've got it.<br>

    You have to decide if it's a good purchase for you. Every single one of us will calculate the answer for this a little differently. It's a very personal thing. Paying a lot of attention to marketing depts and everyone else's opinion is not a good way make this calculation (provided you have the background).<br>

    And if you think these prices are bad, go out and try shopping for a sailboat. You'll come back and buy a 5d3 with a big smile on your face.</p>

  5. <p>It will be a busy weekend in San Francisco, what with America's Cup races, bluegrass festival and more. I'm off to Sears Point/Infineon tomorrow for the historic sports car races. Here's a shot from earlier this year, a Talbot Lago Type 26 Gran Prix racer from the late 40's/early 50's.</p><div>00atKh-498645684.jpg.fa38f37dd0ef7cfbf9f8ab451d5f3774.jpg</div>
  6. <p>JDM, I'm very glad you started this thread. A combination of "old times back in the day" and great info. I started with a CanoScan 2800, what a piece of crap. The Minalta 54 had a steep learning curve but eventually I got fine results.<br>

    Mendel, I had heard in some long lost forum that it wouldn't work in Vista and there were no new drivers coming out, so I never tried it when I got 7. But it sounds like I'd be better off with ViewScan anyway. But thanks.<br>

    Decades back when I used my Spotmatic, I had a Spirotone slide copier that worked pretty well, considering. I can't help thinking that a high quality item used with a high megapixel DSLR would be the ticket. Sooo much faster.</p>

  7. <p>I've got nothing so it's back to the Washington trip. Fortunate to get this shot of a crop duster pilot, one of the most dangerous jobs there is. I grabbed this one fast, so the settings are pretty goofy. It was late morning and the brightness on the wing had to be brought down quite a bit. It's amazing how hard these guys work, they can barely waste a minute.<br>

    5d2, 24-70 @ 70, f22, 1/25 sec</p><div>00artS-497910884.jpg.62d34efda8336b92711787993ffdc090.jpg</div>

  8. <p>Last Friday I jumped at the opportunity to watch the America's Cup World Series races from a friends boat. Before things started, the racers were warming up outside the course among the spectator boats, sometimes zipping by fairly close. This is the full, uncropped frame.<br>

    I found that, IS or not, shooting birds in flight and auto racing is easy compared to shooting handheld from the rolling deck of a sailboat.<br>

    5D2, ISO 320, 1/800, 70-200 f2.8 @ f11, 115mm., polarizer</p><div>00am52-493995584.jpg.b207b9b5cfdfa26b82caf922b9d68448.jpg</div>

  9. <p>The half finished roll of Provia in my N90S is still sitting on the same frame as it was the morning I received my 5D2 from Fedex.<br>

    That said, I miss the ease of doing very long night exposures on film.. no stacking (or whatever) to put together a zillion 30 sec digital shots to do the same.</p>

  10. <p>Richard<br>

    What WILL make someone a better photographer is to put in a meaningful increase of effort.. whether to get up and start moving a few hours before sunrise, to work against feelings of shyness when doing street photography, to put out the bucks to get to places where it's happening, or to put a great amount of thought into your photography, both your overall direction and each shot as it's taken.<br>

    BTW, I liked your Flickr stuff.</p>

  11. <p>Here's my experience and opinion..<br>

    1 Viewfinders in dslrs have gone to crap. I had a tough time realizing my old manual focus routine no longer cut it. I now use or combine AF, Live View and/or smaller aperture.<br>

    2 Don't get in a hurry to get your sensor cleaned. The self cleaning system really works. I probably average a lens change every 3 or 4 shots and I have never had to clean my sensor on my 5d2 in three years.<br>

    Happy shooting, and don't worry about the upkeep.</p>

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