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Posts posted by peter_todd4

  1. <p>Can I just check with you guys... Is it by design that the mirror stays up after a shot is taken, only going back down again when the film is wound on thus cocking the shutter? That's how my SQ-A is behaving. Thanks in advance.</p>
  2. <p>Hi. I have just acquired an SQ-A from ebay which was described as working perfectly. The problem is the shutter only seems to cock when it's set to 'c' on the mirror lock up switch and not when it's set to 'n' which would be normal shooting with the mirror down.<br>

    Is this normal?<br>

    What happens is that when the camera is set to 'n' on the mirror lock-up switch and with the multiple exposure switch set straight up when I wind the film advance crank it travels as normal but instead of coming to a stop it makes a loud click and keeps going round indefinitely. It does stop when in mirror lock 'c' setting and shutter fires as I have mentioned already.<br>

    Please advise!<br>

    Thanks in advance,<br>


  3. <p>Sorry, probably didn't explain myself properly (and still mightn't!). Yes Dave, I want a lens for my A200 that is at least as wide as a 24mm lens on a 35mm (or full frame) camera, so as you you say, I need to get a lens whose true focal length is at least 15.7mm or wider, given the 1.53x crop factor!<br>

    Is there an appreciable difference in images taken at 24mm and 25.4mm (which is what you say 16mm would be on my A200) or even 26.1mm (which is what 17mm would be on my A200). Sorry to be so amateurish, but I am less than an amateaur! I really only want a frugal way of experiencing images beyond the 28mm (thats ~18mm on APS-C) mark.<br>

    Yes Wouter, I had an 18-55 and 18-70 but am submitting to the lust for something wider - I don't know - there seems to be a nicer or more unique feel to images taken on wider lenses, if you see what I'm getting at. I appreciate your replies...</p>

  4. <p>Hi. I want to get something that works out at 24mm at least, on my A200. Ive' been thinking about the Minolta AF 17-35 F2.8-4 D and also read that the Tamron SP AF 17-35mm F/2.8-4 Di LD Aspherical IF could be better. I also read a review on Dyxum that said there are better wide angle lenses than the Minolta AF 17-35 F2.8-4 D that are suitable for an APS-C camera. What does everyone think and recommend (bearing in mind I am an amateur who just wants something beyond the standard range of what is considered wide at 28mm). Thanks.</p>
  5. <p>Hi, what cameras are there out there for under $100 (yes, ebay) that would be a nice/novel way to try out rangefinders, both 35mm and medium format? I'm thinking of getting a Minolta Hi-Matic (7s, 7sII, 9, 11) for the fast aperture and reputedly good quality lens but have no ideas about medium format. Thanks in advance. Peter.</p>
  6. <p>Hi. I just got an a200 as my first DSLR. I'm very much an amateur photographer at best I have a Minolta 35-105mm 3.5-4.5 and want to extend my range with possibly one of the lenses mentioned in the subject heading above. I'm inviting your opinions and technical comparisons concerning these lenses. Looking forward to your replies...</p>
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