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Image Comments posted by hbkotze

    Street of Sevilla

    I like the sense of journey that this image creates. Tones are well-spread, darks in the left hand botom corner was well-preserved. The texture of the walls and road comes out nicely. The sky looks a bit blown out, to be expected - I also have difficulty with a non-HDR photo to get it right. Overall, well done. Rgds H
  1. Thank you for the comments on "Road to...", I appreciate it and will look at a cropped version as you suggested. Shape, form and light is great in your shot of the inside of the cathedral. Tonality is also well covered, well done. Rgds H
  2. Colours are beautiful. Watch the corners. Top corners have some "dark shapes", may be the lens beeing too far open?. Bottom right hand corner may be a bit underexposed compared to the rest of the image. Nice composition with the light being reflected.
  3. A shot that touches the heart, well done to show it how it is. I have difficulty in deciding in my shots if half figures are okay or not (girl on left). I would appreciate it if you can share some thoughts... Rgds H


    Gracefull, very nice. The vignetting in the corners is not consistent in form, not sure what you could do in the bottom right corner. Well done!


    Hi Dimitris, with the quick edit in Lightroom that Antoni did I must agree, it is best with the tree at the top left. Recropping may change the balance. Looking forward to more of your images...


    Great silhouette. I like the spider-like reflection that breaks the monotony of the deep shade though others may find it distracting. Well done!
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