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Image Comments posted by vuyisich

  1. Thanks everyone for your nice comments. Here are some answers:


    Steven: I cropped from the right in order to achieve a square format. That's all.


    Jeffrey: This was taken around 11 AM. Even though this was Memorial day weekend, the canyon was not crowded at all. Most people head to the upper Canyon.

  2. I love the composition and light here very much. Overall very beautiful. If I were to suggest anything, it would be to make it a little less yellow (add more blue). Thanks for sharing.

    Line Dance

    I personally prefer the composition in the horizontal verion. Was this in the morning or late afternoon? In either case, the light could be a little better, but this is still very beautiful. The lines give depth to the composition, and the sky came out nice blue. Thanks for posting.


    I like the composition and colors very much. The highlights are a bit overblown, but there was nothing you could do about that. Thanks for posting.

    Mont Blanc


    WOW, what a view! I really like this picture (the light, composition), but I think it has a potential to be better. I think the sky could be more blue, and the levels adjusted a bit. This is just my opinion, based on my monitor view. Attached is what I am thinking of. Thanks for posting.


    Atmospheric Luzern

    This is very nice. I really enjoy your entire portfolio: your choice of subjects, the light, the composition, the colors... (you get the point). Thanks for sharing.


    I would say that a better light and a bottom crop (up to the red layer) would improve the photo. Otherwise, this is fantastic. Thanks for posting.
  3. I like the saturated colors and the clarity of the photo. You can see the far hills very well. I think that the composition is a little bit too tight, though. Also, I think the photo is a little oversharpened. Thanks for posting. I love Utah.
  4. I really like this photo. I cannot make any suggestions for improvement. I just wonder if the colors are natural, or you added extra red? Is this some kind of a secret location, or you are willing to tell us how to get here? Thanks for posting.
  5. I like the colors, the sharpness, and the composition. However, I wish there was more detail in the far cliffs. Also, the sky looks weird (especially on the right side), and I would like to see more of it.
  6. It looks like you had a great light, but you tilted the camera seriously, then increased the red color too much, and the sky has lines in it. Also, the photo is too small. Maybe you can repost the photo with improvements, then we will enjoy it more.
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