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Image Comments posted by julietray



    I love this because it makes me wonder what was going on at the moment when you took this photo. What is the fox looking at? Was this taken while the fox was hunting? If so, what exactly was the fox hunting?


    Nice job.


    I'm not sure that the blurred effect here does much more than make me feel dizzy...and her face is out of focus...do you have any other versions of this photo?


    I think this might benefit from a tighter crop at the top (like midway between the top of her head and the top of the existing photo).
  1. I agree with Dennis. This is a great shot - just goes to show that you don't need to spend a fortune on equipment to create excellent photos. It's about creativity and ideas and understanding how to best use what you have to work with. Fabulous!
  2. You've caught the individual members of the band in action, but somehow the photo lacks drama. Perhaps if you'd used shallower DOF to isolate the people from the background it might help to keep your eye on the people. As is it, I find my eye wandering around to static parts of the image.
  3. I think that the first poster was suggesting to snap the pic a little later because it lacks the expected drama. I would argue that the "problem" here lies with the high jumper's technique, not the photographer. The way he's going over the bar demonstrates an amazing jumping ability but pretty poor technique (it is high jump and not pole vault, right?). His back should be arched; he shouldn't be looking at the bar; he should be leading with his head. With "proper" technique (who's to argue with it if it works for him, except that maybe he could improve), you get the dramatic arch that I think makes for a more exciting photograph. Not the photographer's fault.
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