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Image Comments posted by marc_streisand

  1. A week after the tragedy of 9/11, Union Square in NYC was turned into

    a huge memorial for many of the lost, missing and presumed dead. There

    were people from all over the world and I thought this sign that

    normally says "Don't feed the animals" was so appropriately converted.


    What do you think?

    Row of steps


    Not a bad shot at all. I would crop the photo closer to the image you want viewed though. If it is the steps, a more concentrated effort to force the focal point to be the steps, this will also take away some of the washout from from the widow and the sky on the left side.


    what I really liked about the image was the use of patterning. You have the angle in the steps and also in the row houses. That was cool.


    Where in NYC, Brooklyn?

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