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Posts posted by micah_robinson

  1. <p>I find it a little hard to believe that you all are saying "if you hear Nigeria run".<br>

    I know there are scams all around about this but there are also real deals imported and exported through Nigeria all day every day.</p>

    <p>I can understand having issue with with the "buyer" not giving you his paypal addie to invoice him, but also he may have not understood and or doesn't know how to use paypal and is fearful of doing so.</p>

    <p>And there is no fear in giving him your paypal addie to send the money, he'd have to figure out your password to be able to do anything with it.<br>

    Invoicing him is really a way of protecting him, not you.</p>

    <p>Here is how you handle this;<br>

    Figure out the deal and invoice or just let them pay you.<br>

    When you get your "you've been paid" email don't click on a thing in it.<br>

    Instead go to paypal and login to your account and see if he did really pay you and not just send a fake email (I've had it happen to me).<br>

    Then click on the "details" of the payment and it should give you the shipping info and it will either say "OK to ship" or "pending".<br>

    If it says "OK to ship" that's it.<br>

    You have the money and are safe to ship it.</p>

    <p>You do however never want to ship a item to an address other then the one paypal gives you.<br>

    Doing otherwise will open you up to some complex scams.</p>

  2. <p>If you have your copyright on the front of the print, I will assure you that none of the big name labs and almost none of the "small" labs will re-print it without ID.<br>

    They do not want to get sued and it's not worth it to them for $20 worth of prints.<br>

    They all have standards against doing so.</p>

  3. <p>I would consider, if you haven't, not just giving her the use of the images free of charge.<br /> If she values them then they have value in her sight, goes without saying.</p>

    <p>Now I would say NEVER let her or anyone have any images without FIRST putting it in writing as to how they can use it and for how long etc.<br /> This saves alot of confusion later down the road.</p>

    <p>If she has a "Magazine" she should also have a method of receiving files for use with said zine.<br /> This maybe a ftp site to load them on or perhaps another method, but either way she should have a method she is used to using.<br /> I would ask her how she wants them.</p>

    <p>She will also have a size and rez she will want it in.<br /> You will need to know these so you can prep the image to suit.</p>

  4. <p>Marks advise is sound.<br>

    And he's right about post production.<br>

    It will take much more time prepping the photos with kids in them.</p>

    <p>I think because you don't have it in writing, you have to be ready to walk away if you can't meet on terms.<br>

    And make sure there are no revisions to usage terms as well.<br>

    And for Gods sake, or your own for that matter, get this all in writing.</p>

  5. <p>I like #1.<br>

    I assume they are not print ready and there for are low rez which is why they are "fuzzy".<br>

    They are just proofs?<br>

    Also they may need to have outlines created to retain the font.<br>

    But if your gonna focus on newborns more then the 2nd one fits that more.</p>

  6. <p>What Paul Thomas say's is true.</p>

    <p>All you have to know is a few simple steps and you can take any photo you want off the internet, including your site John. Although Smugmug does put the "proof" watermark on the photo to make it harder. Though with some PhotoShop skills you can do away with that too.</p>

    <p>Photo.net could do the same thing but it can still be taken. It's really, as it should be, the job of the photographer to protect their photo's by posting only low res files and putting watermarks on them. You can do away with a watermark but you can't take a 80 resalution file and make it print worthy, at least not by my standards.</p>

    <p>It's like putting a lock on your home, it's really only gonna slow someone down if they REALLY want to get in.</p>

  7. <p>Dick Arnold,<br>

    I see your point but I'm of the mindset that it's good for people to pay (including myself) when they can.<br>

    If you can't pay and you need it, ask for a blessing. If you can't pay and you want it, to bad go without. If you can pay then pay.<br>

    I think as a whole we've gotten into a hand out mindset and it's not good for us. We're no longer independent.<br>

    So though I like you wanting to help others, I think it's often a better help to make them pay.<br>

    Of coarse this is a case by case thing.</p>


    <p>John Henneberder,<br>

    If you make a habit of calling photographers and asking them such questions about their clients you will not only loose your job but you stand the very risk of the clients forming together a class-action lawsuit based on slander. (company's can't contact a third party and "slander" the other party to them, same reason bill collectors can't call your neighbors about you owning them money) And if they have a case or not doesn't matter most of the time because it could still break you and fast. Because alot of the time it's not if you've exposed "oneself to liability" but to a lawsuit. You can have the civil case ruled in your favor but go broke in the making.</p>


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  9. <p><a href="/photodb/user?user_id=3687314">David Haas</a>,<br>

    The point I'm making is not all that many photographers who sell all rights to someone do all you do to make sure it's done right.<br>

    The only reason you would sell all rights is if you were getting BANK, but people on CraigsList, for instence, will sell all rights for $300 and be happy. These people will not do what a pro would do, by making sure all bases are covered. In fact most of these "photographers" do not even know how to type up a release for their photos.<br>

    The point is you can very well be adding insult (by calling your custormer a lier) to injury (injury maybe they already had to deal with a soccer mom with a DSLR she got for Christmas from CL). And the custormer is to do what? Waste their time and effort trying to get a release from someone who doesn't know what they are doing becuase their word isn't enough?<br>

    We need to be more custormer friendly and try to do the right thing at the same time. But for me if my custormer was telling me that they did have the right to reprint, after I informed them they have to buy that right and explain copyright law to them, I would let them sign the paper and print. You've done all you can at this point. You can't call the photographer, unless you want to open yourself up to a lawsuit.<br>

    Now I know nothing about the PPA and how they do anything, or if they have any real power but that maybe something worth looking into.</p>


  10. <p>Here's a valid point;<br>

    You don't really know if they own the copyright or not do you?<br>

    You assume they don't becuase:<br>

    A; Why would they? They didn't take the photo.<br>


    B; If the photographer did sell all rights when they took the photo the people would have a cd with files instead of scanning a photo.<br>

    But the fact still remanes that you don't know. Perhaps they did buy all rights, something often done now by photographers who don't know any better, and they lost their cd but want more prints. Maybe they go to the photographer and get a copy of the files but maybe he's already deleated them becuase he sold the copy rights.<br>

    Point is you don't know. Unless you where there you don't know.<br>

    This is why your lab has them sign the paper, becuase it's a way to have a good faith effort and not call your custormer a lier. Would you tell a art director that thier concept was stolen unless you knew for sure?<br>

    The point is that you can't know, I mean you can't take the stand in court and say you know. And don't call your custormer a lier, becuase either they will stop coming and you're out of a job or you get fired and you're out of a job. And you don't know.</p>

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