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Image Comments posted by LisaImmarco



    Marie, I think I am going to post two versions and get some responses. It's not clicking with me. It's a feeling I get in my stomach when the crop is right. 

    Thanks for responding and hope your photography is gong well.



    Thanks, Tony, but I didn't do anything! This is the only negative in the bunch that has this tone. It's very strange, very 'Alice in Wonderland.' I didn't crop it, either, except in camera.


  1. I was thinking about the balloon. It took me a couple of months, but I think I'm not going to show it. This way you don't know if it's a balloon at the end of the ribbon, or her escaping soul from that silver cord they say connects the soul to the body.

    It's a mystery.

    At home


    Thanks so much, gentlemen. I was so excited by your comments that I showed one of my pictures to a college student at the bus stop, while we were waiting. Her eyes kind of glazed over, and she said, "Oh, yes...". 

    That's usually the kind of reaction I get. Bored, dismissive, etc.

    The problem is, my technique is so s****y.  Really have to learn Photoshop. And flash.

    Thanks, again.

    Redneck Hair Salon


    LOL, Tony...uh, thanks?

    I love your style, you are so enthusiastic.

    I like abrasive crops, I think it comes from my classical painting background.

    Otherwise, my  technique is awful. Going to teach myself flash, then Photshop

    Best regards...






    Ghost Man


    Thanks Donna, Tony, and Marie.

    That was a funny comment about hiring him for kids' parties! Also, I love Helen Levitt's work, thank you.

    I took this in Harlem, New York, in a very bad place. I don't know what I was thnking by going there. You know, great documentarist at work. A legend in my own mind!

    He ran after me after I took it, and he was pointing something at me-didn't stop to take a picture of it!

    This pix is seriously cropped. Once I photshop it, I will post the other one. His face in that one is very small in a big tenement building.

    Thanks again,




    Needs a lot of PHotoshopping.


    Already cropped.


    Always thought this photo would be a good photo for the prequel to

    the movie, "Pi," directed by Aronofsky. You know, like what he was

    as a kid.

    Ghost Man


    Taken with a film camera many years ago. Not sure I want to remove

    scratches on negative on this one. Like the supernatural effect it


    Girl 1


    Need to work on this obviously, but don't have Photoshop yet.

    Someday...Suggestions welcome on tweaking when I know how to


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