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Posts posted by derek_street

  1. <p>I have a wonderful camera. It is a Crown Graphic Special that has been through a flood but its over all condition is fine; the bellows work fine and have no light leeks, the ground glass is scratch free and not cracked. The button on the side depresses and functions, the movements move, the springs are tight and hold the film backs up. The problem however is the shutter. There is rustin the shutter and at no speed does it function so thats probably got to go the lens is fine and doesn't have any scratches so I wouldn't mind just getting a new shutter as to a new lens however I am new to large format and there is much I need to learn. What I was wondering is it feasible to get a new shutter for my camera or should I just scrap that idea and get a purchase a new lens entirely? Also are there any places to get these lenses relatively on the lower spectrum of the price range or is it mostly by keeping a sharp eye on ebay and hoping to not get outbid? Also any personal recommendations of preferred lenses?</p>

    <p>Thank you</p>

    <p>Side notes: The only rust on the camera is on the shutter all the other metal is fine. The camera is light tight and the lens works fine as I used it for a few paper negative photographs that turned out quite nicely. </p>

  2. <p>I just developed my first roll of EFKE Infrared film and when i took it out of the wash it was VERY VERY slimy. I've never experienced anything like this. I'm not sure if I should put it in a longer fix ( I fixed it for 5 min) or maybe a longer wash (also 5 min) or should i Just let it dry and hope that it works it self out? Any help would be great thank you.</p>
  3. <p>Tomorrow I plan to go out and take my first roll of infrared film. It snowed to night so I figure it will be quite bright since the snow will reflect the visible light. My question is will it also reflect the ir light? How should I compensate for this?</p>

    <p>I'm using efke 820.<br>

    ir720 filter<br>

    I have my iso set to twelve since in some other posts i read that its a very slow film speed.<br>

    When I shoot how do I figure out aperture and shutter speed? I read somewhere to start at f11 1/2 second.</p>

    <p>Thank you</p>

  4. <p>I recently got hold of a Brownie Starlet with flash and blue bulbs. However the battery inside the flashbulb is dead but for the life of me I have no idea what kind of battery it is. The label reads Burgess Y10 and it has a raised bump on each end. Do they still make these types of batteries?</p>
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