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Posts posted by tariq_kay

  1. <p>Hi<br>

    Im struggling to find a reliable pro lab for 120 colour print film in Jakarta Indonesia. Im working on a buuilding exteriors project so need shift control and crisp images whiuch my Linhof can usually provide. I have used Emerald in Kemang previously for BW work. They destroyed many rolls of film. After that I thought about digital but that's too expensive to get close to MF quality. Now Im thinking that colour process may be more reliable and less specialist route. Then scan and convert to BW. I am sure there must be a pro lab out there who know what they are doing and, who use fresh stock chemicals.<br>

    If any of you out there have any ideas for this and a scanning service that is good I'd love to hear from you. Any of your suggestions would be welcome. </p>



  2. <p>Dear Vivek<br>

    So nice for you to respond. Can you tell me what are the picture quality like using this combo? I only want to print A4 images for a book project so I really dont need great pixel resolution. If it was for gallery standard then I'd stick to MF. However I'm doing this project in Indonesia where film labs are so unreliable due partly to the collapse in film users. <br>

    Please can you tell me what lens combination you used and could you email some images?<br>

    Thanks so much.</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>Hi<br>

    Can anybody suggest a solution. I want to create a mini view camera using the cheap Ukrainian tilt / shift adaptor for Pentacon 6 Zeiss lenses, (sad goodbye to Linhof MF film camera). So far they do not make Panasonic lens mounts for these T/S adaptors. Would it be possible to use a Nikon mount T/S adaptor on top of a Nikon to Panasonic lens adaptor, in effect 2 adaptors as follows :<br>

    Pansonic Lumix Body + Panasonic to Nikon Lens adaptor + Nikon fit T/S Adaptor<br>

    Does anybody know if it could work? <br>



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