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Image Comments posted by bela_dick



    Hello David.

    Great work.

    I like the style, color and composition.

    It is a painting with light and I like this very much.

    Kind regards

    Bela Dick


  1. Hei Sidsel

    Her er det mye bra på engang. Og da blir det for mye synes jeg. Jeg ser to halvdeler som konkurrerer med hverandre. Høyre og venstre side. Spesielt den nedre halvdelen gjør bilde interesant. Lyset i skogen gir en flott stemning og den delen bør du fremheve. Det er point of focus. Så. Nå kan du kjefte på meg for at jeg var så streng :) og allikevel stor





    Space time


    Vlad, Alain, Williaman and Laurent

    Meny thanks for your feedback. This was taken at the beach promenad in Grado Italy. As I spotted the structure I just had to find the right angle and then wait what will happen.

    Kind regards

    Bela Dick




    Hello John,

    Underrated imo. (most rateings here are more or less by coinsidence). I like the backdrop you chosed to strengthen tje center of focus. Also the gentle shade close to the flower is well balanced. The color and light is spot on for the composition and works well.

    Kind regards

    Bela Dick



    Hello Hanan,


    thanks for your comment. I think it is very interesting what you said. So if you have more thoughts about it just bring it on. I would love to get thoughts from other about hands which is unique and makes us so different from other living creatures on this planet. Even the first Beatles title- was just simply "I wanna hold your hands"


    Kind regards

    Bela Dick

    Tea Art


    Hello again Tamara,

    This point of view is great. I even like the little leaf on the top - and now its tea time :)

    Kind regards

    Bela Dick

    Tulip tea #2


    Hello Tamara,

    I think Tulip tea #1 worked better than #2. If you had kept the point of view this too would have been an image with impact.

    Kind regards

    Bela Dick

    Spirit of Paris


    Great work Tamara.

    Spirit of Paris spot on. Very well composed. And your added effects is well balanced.

    I am excited to catch up on all the images you have made since last time I was logged in at PN.

    Kind regards

    Bela Dick.

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