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Posts posted by geraint_hughes

  1. <p>hi all just one more quickie......i have the canon 70-200 2.8 l IS lense , now on the side is a few switches, and i know one is IMB stableizer etc but the other is a button which you can switch for focus legnth, but when im doing busy photoshoots i forget to move it, should i leave it on one or the other, as last time i look at shot at 200mm i noticed it wasnt as sharp as it could be? was this due to that....<br>

    Hope u people who use this lense can shed sum light on this for me as i have a wedding coming up.<br>

    many thx again</p>

  2. <p>Hi all, im close now to my first wedding shoot, and im trying to get organised, which is the best way and who to use for a private client gallery, with thier own password or whatever, i really need to get this sorted...please help as you have in the past....<br>

    many thx to you all</p>

  3. <p>hi all again, to you this might be a silly question but ive got to get it clear in my head!<br>

    im shooting with the canon 50d the lenses im using it canon 70-200 2.8 l IS, TAMRON 17-55 2.B AND CANON 50MM 1.8..............Now im doing a shoot and my client wants a mixture at the end of 10 x 8 prints and various other sizes, but as i know ive shoot some portraits before and when ive gone to make it a 10 x8 i loose alot of the photo! i shoot full size RAW with my camera, so how or what is the best way of getting around this?</p>

    <p>Is it a case of leaving enough space around the area of the camera, just enough to crop it, as some of these photos will be a mixture of full legnth portraits, head and shoulders, family groups etc?<br>

    Ive just got to get this planted in my already jam packed brain!!!<br>

    many thx for your imput.</p>

  4. <p>im totally confused now! i want to put my canon 550ex onto my 50d via the hotshoe, and also connect one of my pocket wizards to my 50d as im going to be doing a shoot which is going to involve on carmera flash and sometimes of camera flash so to save me changing all the time i can just turn the pocket wizard on & off as i feel. But also how do i get the 55oEX flash on my camera to flash as well as the off camera flashes ALL WITH POCKET WIZRDS. Ive tried putting the 55o ex on my hotshoe ( on carmera) and connecting the pocket wizard to the pc synch on the side of my 50d, but when i do only the off camera flash's go off, but not the one on my 50d, so how do i get them all to go off?</p>
  5. <p>THX BUT I DIDNT EXPLAIN IT VERY CLEARLY.... i got 4 pocket wizards and quiet a few flashes but my question is that im doing some work and its a mixture between off camera flash and on camera flash, so i want to mount my canon flash on top of my camera, but also mount a pocket wizard to my camera also so i can fire off other off camera flashes....if that makes sense to anyone..?</p>
  6. <p>THANKS MARK, GLAD TO HEAR EVERYTHINGS OK HA HA. iVE GOT ONE OF THOSE exspo discs coming for the white balance, ive heard good reviews about them. yes i have highlight clipping set on my 50d....so my camera is normally set and left in evauative metering mode, should i just leave that set? being my first wedding i maybe worrying too much about everything and getting myself all worked up, its just ive read so many people saying the brides dress was over exposed with no detail, i dont wanna be one of those if i can help it, if u know what i mean! so im trying to gather as much advice as possible from you pro's....thanx marc</p>
  7. <p>hi again all, yes the church aint a very big one at all , the ministor is quite a joker, so hes easy to speak to, as i said we are all up there 2days before the big day so ill know more then. I agree with neil that most churches here i uk dont allow flash. All the family photos will be outside in the church grounds which are kept very nice. So ive already had a long meeting with the bride and groom, and i requested that her sister is going to be the runner who will group and find all members of the familys for the photos, she has a copy list as i do. after the group and family photos its onto a big club about 10mintues away, not really the best location....shame as they have spent out lots n lots of money for example £ 800 on balloons..lol. Any way they then want some speach and cake cutting etc photos then onto the first dance......</p>

    <p>just one more thing , i hope i havent caused any friction here between people, as i have said i take onboard what everyone suggests and am really greatfull for everyones advice.<br>

    I always thank nadine as she has always helped me in the past, but that dont mean im not thanking everyone, so i hope u guys are ok with each other, as us new photographers really look up to all you guys who have been doing this for years and you all have different styles and ways of doing things and for us new ones its good to hear all of this.<br>

    One last simple question.....when im taking pics of bride and groom, and im exposing for the brides dress should i use SPOT METERING or Evaluative metering? what do u sugeest as i been reading up and ive had two different answers???</p>

  8. <p>Id like to thank all for your feed back and advice. I do take everyones on board. Nadine thx once again. Im meeting up the church 2 days before the big day, so ill know more then, once i ve been in & if i have any last mintue questions ill quickly drop you kind people a line...thx again for all your advice.</p>
  9. <p>Thanks all, for your advice, yes ill use a tripod! Nadine thx again for your input, im just about to look into the flash extenders on the net..as long as im on a tripod then shutter speed wont be a problem for inside the church without flash...many thx everyone</p>
  10. Thx guys, but as for renting more gear, well that's not possible as I've purchased all this new gear recently & it wernt

    cheap, I do agree with putting the nikon up for sale 2wards a new canon 580 ex11. The wedding is at 2pm in afternoon

    but here in the UK who knows wat the weather will b like? Ill have a look into the flash extenders tho! As for off camera

    flash being ruled out I do agree, I do alot of off camera photography but it would b a potch in this circumstance! Ill try n

    get the new canon flash 580ex11 and ill use that on the 50d and ill keep the 550ex on the bck up camera with the tamron

    17-50 2.8. If there's anymore ideas or tips for my question above I'd b greatfull. Thx

  11. <p>Hi all its me again, got my first wedding coming up as ive stated before, now the church has told me that yes i can use flash inside there! so i was wondering would i be better off using off camera flashes? or on camera flash either bouncing, or diffuser?.......this is the only thing now that im questioning? the gear i now have is canon 50d.....400d bck up, both with batter grips.......4 x pocket wizards.........canon 70-200 2.8 L IS USM....tamron 17 - 50 2.8............canon 50 1.8..........canon 550EX speedlite.....nikon sb-28 ( used for off camera ).....sunpack 120j..........westcott 28'' softbox and also the 50'' version.....westcott 60'' umbrella....aslo some smaller umbrellas..............so im ok for gear its just what do you think the best lighting set up would be? its not a massive church and its walls r near white in colour, but high roof!<br>

    for obvious reasons ive got hte jitters being my first wedding, but more than that i just want to get it right.<br>

    many thxs as always guy's and girls.....im greatfull for your help</p>

  12. <p>you guys r great for helping, yes i got a back up but at the mo its only the 400d with all the extras, as Nadine said ( hi Nadine....she always helps me thx ) yes i have wanted this canon 70-200 2.8 is for a while as i want to shoot a mixture of the 2 styles in this wedding and want to have the lens so i can get in close at times without being noticed to much. I will def look into the 85mm as yes its had great reviews, and a 1.4 lens. Yes its going to b in a church and ive been told its quite a dark church and dont allow flash !!!!!! nitemare as its my first ha ha. As Mitchel stated thats what i read about the tamron 70-200 was its slow AF, well im not getting that so it looks like back to the piggy bank for me! ill wait till my partner is in a better mood before i tell her .lol. <br>

    One more thing as stupid as it sounds and dont get me wrong as im doind well with my photography im so nervus about this wedding its unbelivable, just stupid things like will i be in the right place at the right time and watching i dont take pics of bride and her dress is over exposed, just stupid things like that ha ha its doing my head in. But again thanks guys n ladys of course. your great !!!!!<br>

    If anyone can give me any tips and pointers for my first wedding i ll gladly take it all on board</p>

  13. <p>Hi all,<br>

    you have helped me in the past and you always good give good advice. Well my problem is that ive got my first wedding coming up in approx 2months, over the last 4 months ive upgraded my gear and its all cost me a arm and a leg ! the current gear im using is the canon 50d, 50mm 1.8, tamron 17-50 2.8, canon 550ex, nikon sb-28, sunpak 120j auto pro ( i do alot of off camera photography ) 2x pocket wizards plus 11 trancivers, westcott 50" & 28" softboxes & 60" westcott umbrella. So my kits is coming together but what i wanted to ask you guys is that i was hoping to have funding for the canon 70-200 2.8 IS, to complete my gear BUT its all gone tit's up and it dont look like im going to get it, well not all of it anyway & im not in the postion to buy one myself at the moment, then speaking to a gent here in the UK who works in a camera shop said why dont you go for the TAMRON 70-200 2.8. , i really wanted the canon IS version but its going to be well after the wedding date before i could even think about it ! Ive read up a little on this TAMRON and watched a few youtube reviews but they are all mixed in views and i dont really know what to do !!!!! Time is running out as what ever lens i get i want to have a little play with it before the wedding. The guy rekons he uses it and he loves it, but he would say that as he wants me to buy it from him, his shop is selling it for £499 GBP.<br>

    If someone could help on making my mind up on this id be so greatfull as its a constant headache even when im trying to sleep .lol</p>

    <p>Many Thx<br>


  14. Hi all again , can anyone in easy terms expain how to drag the shutter plz, im Reading lots about it but u guys r the ones to ask! Im using

    canon 50d & tamorn 17-50 2.8 , canon 50mm 1.8 , canon 550ex flash & sunpak 120j. I want to master this shutter drag but first need it

    expaind a bit better? I hear lots bout 2nd sync curtain and draggin the shutter but can't get it fixed in my head!!! Old age maybe. Plz help

    guys and my brain can then rest.

    Thx a million


    (Moderator's note: Thread title changed to reflect the content. From the thread submission page: "When choosing a title for your thread, please write something that is descriptive and useful. 'Please help!" or "A question . . ." are not good titles for a thread.')

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