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Image Comments posted by jweebs86

  1. Fireworks on Candlewood Lake in Danbury, CT. I'm looking for feedback

    more on the composition of this shot than anything else. I was shooting

    from a small boat that had three young kids on it, so it wasn't the most

    stable platform. All the same, I think the shot turned out rather nicely after

    applying noise reduction.

    Flowers 3


    Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated, as are any ideas as

    to how the shot could be better. Thanks for looking!

    Flowers 4


    Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated, as are any ideas as

    to how the shot could be better. Thanks for looking!



    Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated, as are any ideas as

    to how the shot could be better. Thanks for looking!



    Here's another one of Nelson. I like how it came out. Any comments and

    suggestions are appreciated, as always. Thanks for looking!

    Embalse Gorg Blau


    I wish you had a little more sky at the top so you could crop a little tighter at the bottom.

    Other than that though, what a great shot.  I love the texture of the bottom of the shallow water, it really adds a dimension here.

    I also love the subtle gradation of color from warm at the bottom towards cool at the top of the frame.

    Keep it up!

    Nelson with Bone


    My wife and I got Nelson from Pet Rescue, so we aren't sure what kind of dog he is. We've looked at pictures of different breeds online though, and we think he resembles an Anatolian Shepherd.

  2. Took this shot at the last second as my wife was yanking me to cross the

    street. If I'd had more time I would have lined it up a little better, but even

    as is I think it's pretty cool. Thanks for looking!

    Flower 1


    Just wondering what you think of this. I know it's kind of grainy because it

    was getting dark out and I had to use ISO 800 but putting that aside...

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