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Posts posted by savitri_wilder

  1. <p>This is nice to know! I use WalGreens for my quick prints because it's right between my house and the place I scrapbook. The photos always came out fine BUT darker. So when I want to print to WG I always brighten it up a tad and then it'll be fine. I do digital scrapbooking and I send my pics off to whcc.com. I LOVE the results and the price for a 12x12 is great. We had a family photo done but a local photographer and when we got our prints it was in a whcc container. The pics came out great. I purchased a few of the RAW files and what I saw on my monitor was what came out of whcc's printer. So for serious stuff I use whcc. I've heard of MPix but haven't gotten to using them. I do have a coupon to try them out from one of my photography class.</p>

    <p>I'll check the auto thing next time I print locally.</p>

    <p>Oh, I do have a Selphy and a Canon Pixma 860. The Selphy is nice. I don't like how it crops though but for a home printer and if you remember how it crops it's great. The 860 is a tad bit less saturated and a tad brighter. I think the 860 was advertised as an office printer than a photo printer but I think for quickie things it's pretty good.</p>

  2. <p>I think we'll go with that idea... have her carry a p&s and when we're around let her use the XTi. She'll have a great time and hopefully it'll help her settle in England better.</p>

    <p>Alan, thanks for sharing your story. It's great that your little one is interested in your work... whether she's actually looking at the viewfinder or not :)</p>

    <p>Mike, I hate spoiled kids too. Kids that screams and yells because they didn't get what they wanted at the store or at home. I think we're the handful of households that has no TV subscription. On long car rides we play games like people would back in the good old days. People think we're weird. M doesn't get a toy every month or every time we go to the store. She can though get a book each time we go to the bookstore. If we go to a store with toys she'll ask to see the toys but she'll assure me that she just wanted to look. It breaks my heart when she looks at something and really wanting it but then put it back when I told her it's time to go.</p>

    <p>That's prob. why M appreciates her stuff more. She has to earn them. Compare to other kids, she doesn't have a lot. What she does have though will probably last her until she's a teenager (I try to get the sturdiest piece). Also she's very sensitive. She doesn't like seeing us sad because she was bad and so she always tries to please.</p>

    <p>Things will break but the time we'll have taking pictures together will be something we can always talk about and cherish.</p>

    <p>Luis: What's wrong with a $500 car? Isn't that what most kids start out with?</p>

  3. <p>Awesome! Thanks so much for this bit of info!</p>

    <p>I have been a lousy Ebay bidder. There was this 17-50mm and I emailed the owner and got great responses. I felt confident and that night the auction ended I fell asleep. My almost 5-mo-old have been sick and I just passed out while tucking the oldest one to bed. Her bed time story put me to sleep!</p>

    <p>Today there was another one - same deal, I emailed the owner in advance and got good answers. I got ready, 17-minutes it said. Twenty minutes later I remembered. I got into grading and totally forgot about the lens. AURGH!!!!!</p>

  4. <p>There's a photographer too... well known, American photographer. He died and his wife, I think in her 60's then, used his gears and made a name for herself. I can't remember who she was though. She was never into photography but when her husband died it's as if he was calling her to use his stuff or it was a way for her to feel close to him. Her work's quite nice too. I think she's the same age as Ansel Adams.</p>
  5. <p>Anthea, you're JUST like my grandpa :) I love him to pieces and miss him very much! Actually M works for everything she's got... except bday and Christmas presents and she only gets two... one from mom and dad. From grandma-pa she'll get a magazine subscription and the other set clothes (my mom's makes clothes for a living). The nice things we've gotten her since two Christmas ago she's taken great care of.</p>

    <p>D.B. you cracked me up! if you only know how challenged my husband is with advanced electronics. He tries really really hard when working with the XTi. I think I sometimes hear his brains moving! :) If I gave him a 5D MkII + L lens he'd sell them and get his lady, the '62 Impala, a make-over :P</p>

    <p>This evening on our way to gymnastics I asked M (this is her actual name) this:<br>

    Me: M, do you like the camera you used the other day to take a picture of your card or the little one that is out of batteries (I actually have an old Kodak digital P&S, bought in 2001 I think, that she uses now and then... it's got a little 64meg card... but she thinks it a toy)?<br>

    M: I like the big one, mommy.<br>

    Me: Why? Isn't the little one nice and small for you?<br>

    M: I like the big one because I can put it around my neck and the picture's nicer.<br>

    Me: Oooh. But isn't it too heavy and you can't put it in your purse if we go somewhere?<br>

    M: No, it's not too heavy and if we go somewhere I can just put it in your purse and you can carry it.<br>

    Me: ....</p>

    <p>Jason, those kids camera cost $70! I mean for a little bit more you can get a regular p&s with nicer pictures. They are cute and pink... and seems like you can run over it with a bulldozer and it'll survive.</p>

  6. <p>Walt, I learned math in kindergarten and not because my parents taught me. There was this little boy that my mom always compared me too. He was in 1st grade and at that time he knew how to add, subtract, and multiple. So I taught myself all that just because I didn't like to be less than him. I ended up being the only kid in the beginning of 3rd grade who knew the 1-12 multiplication table. Then we moved and she didn't have any close friends with a kid around my age to compare to until I was in middle school. In Indonesia there's an exit exam when you're in 9th grade. I scored the 2nd highest in my city. Basically with my grade I could waltz into any top private school in Indonesia. I didn't mean to score that high. I just studied my butt off so that I could be better than that kid she was comparing me to. I haven't done anything great like that since... my mom has different friends, I'm not near her, and even if starts comparing me again I've grown up since :P</p>

    <p>Oh, my M does love to print. I have a little Canon Selphy and she thinks that thing is cool :) We both love to scrapbook too and that's how I got really into photography.</p>

  7. <p>Thanks for all the input! I think, based on what you all shared with me, even though the DSL will go (if not broken yet) a long way if she continues to show interest, the p&s might just be best. She can focus on composition and color as Collin Carron suggested.</p>

    <p>John O'Keefe: When I was little (my husband too), we did the cardboard box and crayons. I agree with your mom too. Hate those new toys they have nowadays plus half of them are annoying as heck! At our home we have Lincoln logs from back in the days. Same with blocks too. Coincidently we like vintage things too and we try to pick up as many old toys as possible. But I think kids now are a bit different than when we were kids. Yeah my kid still loves to hide in boxes and do arts and crafts with me but goodness does she love gadgets! The last part though might be my fault. I work with gadgets and I bring them home for the weekend sometimes to test. I don't remember what I learned when I was five for sure I was learning English. I was already reading then, I remember that, and that's why I skipped first grade but nowadays you learn to write your name in pre-school and I am hoping a kid will learn a lot of good math before middle school.</p>

  8. <p>I have no professional input but age wise, I don't think 43 is too old, especially if you plan on doing it on the side to start out with. As somebody said, enterpreuneurship is in your blood. I believe in that but luck also plays a great roll... and hard work. My grandpa always wanted me to have my own business. I never did. I've always had a decent full-time job. But, I always want to please him and so on the side I'd do web design/developing work. It's been fun but by no means would I quit my day job.</p>

    <p>Next year I'll be a stay-at-home mom due to a military transfer overseas (unless I get lucky and find a job in my field which I doubt). THAT will probably drive me nuts and I'm thinking of doing portraits on weekends... it'll help me meet people. Like you I have a lot to learn still but I think I'll have fun doing it since I already love photography to begin with.</p>

    <p>My mom always said, if you're good at something and enjoy it the money will come. It's been true for me.</p>

  9. <p>My husband said he wants to get her a point-and-shoot (not the toy or pink Barbie one) for our daughter this Christmas. She LOVES taking pictures and sometimes, I think the little turd's pics are sharper than mine! But momma thinks we should get her a used older dSLR. I'd give her the XTi that she's holding but hubby's using that now. I have a Nikon but I think I'd go for a Canon body so that she can use the 50mm that's on that XTi or the kit lens that we hardly use, the 18-55mm.<br>

    What do you think? I mean check her out in action. She knows how to focus too:<br>

    <img src="http://www.scrapbit.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/DSC_4537-1.jpg" alt="" width="591" height="392" /><br>

    And the photo she took:<br>

    <img src="http://www.scrapbit.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/IMG_4546-1.jpg" alt="" width="347" height="521" /></p>


  10. <p>Well, my Nikon D300 ran out of batteries and I forgot to charge the other one too. So I took the XTi + 50mm out trick-or-treating. I bumped it up to 1600 and the lowest shutter that I could manage and after adjusting the noise (in Lightroom -- don't have Noise Ninja) it was tolerable but nothing to brag about. I can see noise :)<br>

    <img src="http://www.scrapbit.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/IMG_4574-1.jpg" alt="" width="348" height="523" /><br>

    My husband has a vintage car, '62 Impala, and he likes going to car shows. He's 100% an amateur and has a hard time setting the shutter/aperture and so he'd go auto for the most part. But when it's evening time and I'm there he'll spend the time to adjust the camera manually and at night he'll use the flash.</p>

    <p>He'll never blow any of these cars up. He just take pics because they're cool or as a sample for his own car... maybe it has a nice exhaust and he'll take a picture of it to ponder... to see if it'll look good on his car. So for this the 1600 will do.</p>

    <p>He likes to take pictures of airplanes too (they might be in the hanger) and when he's away he'll take the camera with him (anywhere from beautiful beaches to the desert). He's got good eyes and he's taken some neat pics when he was on temporary duty in timbuktu. We're moving to England in January... or he is and us girls will join after he find a place and all that good stuff... and while he's there he'll have the XTi with him to take pics of whatever is interesting.</p>

    <p>Moving airplanes will be in the day time. The evening photos will be pretty much sitting still. He uses the 50mm but just not into primes because sometimes he can only walk so far.</p>

  11. <p>I have both, the iMac at home and the Pro at work w/ a 30" screen and Wacom tablet (I do graphics and web developing + software testing). I have LR and CS3/4 and like somebody said the iMac is too bright. The pro screen is just right and when I print at home, Walgreens or WHCC I have to bump my iMac brightness down to see how the photos will more less print out. After I bump the brightness I might have to bump the exposure/brightness/light, whatever fits the photo, up.</p>

    <p>If I have the money I'd go for the Pro because I am a power user in general (when I'm working I'll have on average 12 apps open) and I can upgrade more freely than the iMac. For just Photoshop and Lightroom, a laptop with an external monitor will do for me... but I'm not a huge photo processor or make a living on photography.</p>

    <p>I'm looking at another computer in a bit. I'm leaning towards the 24" because I can get a student deal at my work (university). I'll be moving soon... I'll miss my Pro... and will hook up another monitor to the iMac.</p>

    <p>Computers, like camera bodies, come and go. I'd get the most I can afford. That way it'll last longer.</p>

  12. <p>Stephen & Fernando, I think your suggestions are within my range. I looked at KEH.com and the Tamron is $310 and the Sigma is $280-ish for excellent condition. Thanks!</p>

    <p>Henrik, the 17-50 I'm getting for my Nikon but for my husband, it's not long enough. He wants a tad bit more than a 50mm. It is though a great lens!</p>

  13. <p>I have an XTi w/ a 50 mm f/1.8, 18-55 kit, and 75-300mm f/4-5.6 and want something better to replace the kit and zoom. The zoom was a quick buy in Singapore 2yrs ago. Our next stop was Bavaria and thought we needed a zoom. Yeah it zoomed but talk about light hog! Useless in low lighting for sure. We now hardly use it. The kit... well I didn't want it. But since it was a birthday present I felt rude if I didn't keep it.</p>

    <p>I love the 50mm but the husband is using the camera now. He wants some flexibility in terms of range.</p>

    <p>What do you think of Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 or Canon EF 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5? Or get the 18-55 w/ IS? I think that's better than the original kit, right? My budget is $300. Looks like I can get something used within my price range.</p>



  14. <p>Bruce, I don't know about the first but for the 2nd, usually when I upload for a web gallery I'd set my picture up to 1024/800 max width with 72 pixels and in 70% jpeg format. The picture still looks ok and the size goes down quite a bit.</p>
  15. <p>I agree with Nathan. I only looked at the people gallery and not all but from what I saw, some of the pics could have been better. On that came to mind is a girl on the beach. Her face was too dark. I'm no pro photographer but I'm a professional customer and since I'm not photogenic I always try to go with the photographer who has the best portfolio that my pocket book can afford in hopes that he/she can make me look 10x better (ha!).</p>

    <p>As a web designer, your site is easy to navigate. People won't have a problem with that. The only thing that kind of bugs me, but this is personal taste, is that your clouds are a bit too cutesy for me. I love cute stuff - sometimes I still think Hello Kitty's adorable - but I think for a professional photographer it might be a bit too cute.</p>

    <p>The Flash is sweet. The menu on the bottom is not distracting at all. Great site in general!</p>

  16. <p>Find out what you need and based on that look for hosts that suits your need (and more). Then, go to www.webhostingtalk.com and type in your chosen hosts into the search box. Most likely you'll find some threads on them. Read and decide if the host company's good or bad.</p>

    <p>For what you need you just need a Linux server.</p>

    <p>Also, if possible, go with a company where it allows you to pay monthly. This way you can try them out for a few months and if things are great stay and if not, you're not tied in. Hosting companies go up and down.</p>

    <p>All that aside, I've been with hostgator for three years I think. Been happy with them and I've only had a few downtimes that I know of and I'm online a lot, either checking emails or updating my blog. There are a couple others I'd go with if I need a new company now but so far hostgator's been good to me.</p>

    <p>Good luck!!</p>

  17. <p>Wow, Keith, $2200 savings is amazing!!!</p>

    <p>Based on some recommendation from this board I am looking at getting a 105mm 2.5 manual AI(S). Adorama and KEH has them (E- and Ex) with slightly different prices. I guess go with the cheapest?</p>

    <p>Thanks for sharing your experiences and purchases. It's really nice to know. Gives me more confidence in buying used -- which I prefer for anything if possible. It does take patience since the one I really want isn't available anywhere but so far I'm still happy with just having a 50mm, I can wait!</p>

  18. <p>I love the photo! Great composition and colors. I do though keep getting distracted but the top right vignetting. also, from all the post-processed samples, I like the vintage look a lot more than the original. It just kind of goes well with the vintage car... or maybe it's just personal because I love vintage photos (or anything vintage really). Either way, I think the couple will be very happy with this photo :)</p>
  19. <p>Anirban, thanks for the comment on my photo :) I am a scrapbooker and so I shoot with a scrapbook layout in mind. Weird, huh? Well, I guess the rule of 3rds been pounded in my head since graphics school back in my college days and so a lot of my images follows that rule. Thank you again!</p>

    <p>To everybody's prime suggestions... yes, I'd love to get a few more. I'd like a wider one. The 24 seems wonderful to use... versatile, esp. when indoors (sometimes I can only back up so far). I would like to get a very nice prime portrait lens. The DC option is quite interesting. Never heard but wouldn't mind getting. Seems like the 135/105 are both great. Right now I am loving working with the 50. I enjoy walking around and back and forth trying to catch the perfect image. I know I can do a lot with it... more than now... I just need more practice. I will look into a manual 105 too. I don't mind it for practice but I think if my goal is to take pictures of children I might need something that's auto or I need to be really good at manual focusing. I do it now here and there but I'm far from fast.</p>

    <p>SO, for right now... I think I'm going to go for the Tamron 17-50. Since I'm happy with just a 50 I think the range will be fine for me. The 2.8 will help me inside I believe. I just hope the auto focus (I read that it's quite a bit slower than the Nikon) will be fast enough to capture my kids or any kids. I also will try to find a Tokina 11-16. This will be very important for me when I go sight seeing. I want a wide view of the Normandy Beach. I'd love a few wide and hopefully dramatic pictures of Roman ruins. And more...</p>

    <p>If I ever need more range, I might look into the 55-200 VR or if by then I get pass being an amateur and the child will be bigger (aka walking on her own) I will really consider the 80-200 f/2.8 or something similar. I should start lifting weights or cook more often using my Dutch oven. Without food it's as heavy as a 70-200 (which I think is the same weight as the 80-200) :)</p>

    <p> </p>

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