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Image Comments posted by jonah_cheung

  1. The "spot" near his mouth is most certainly deliberate! Some contrast and detail was probably lost during the scanning of the print for which I appologize, but if you enlarge the print and look closely, you will see tears streaming down his face...ending with a tear by the corner of his mouth.

    Blue Twins.


    What do you guys think? Should I have burned in the out of focus

    background even more? I was afraid that the print would loose a

    certain sense of "sparkle" if I did. Can it be improved? Thanks.

  2. I wanted to show the anguish of a musician's version of

    "writer's block." It was printed with high contrast in mind.

    Ignoring the poorly cropped borders ( I was new to scanning ), how

    could I improve this shot?

  3. This is a pretty picture, but why do you call it art? What are you trying to say with it? I don't get any real feeling from it. It looks more like a good, but typical stock photograph that you could sell to a calender company.
  4. This photo works because it takes advantage of "closure." In the mental recognition process, our minds automatically fill in missing pieces of objects. This usually happens with things that lie partly off the frame, but in this case, it is the subject and is in the middle of the picture. It works.
  5. There are two schools of photographic thought. One says that a negative should be printed so that it contain a full range of tones from light to dark. The second says that a print is successful if it comes out the way it was intended. I subscribe to the second. I wanted to caputure the rawness of the environment in which this shot was taken, and I used this naturally contrasty subject, along with selenium intensification of the shadows, to represent that.
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