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Posts posted by jschweigl

  1. Same experience here. I switched to T400CN because of ease of use and the ability to scan with ICE enabled (I'm having serious dust problems). Shot at ISO 320 I'm very pleased with the missing "grain" and overall appearance, but printed on the inkjet I don't see any sharp edges as I do with Delta 400 or Tri-X. Excessive unsharp masking is no solution either. It's perfect for web display, however.
  2. <p>Thanks to all, I'm relieved now. I simply haven't seen this phenomenon in all its glory before as I always shot in available darkness. Think I'll keep using the noct at f1 what it is designed for. Stopped down a little, I do like the corner falloff somehow. I posted a picture in the "No words: walking" thread that must have been shot at f1.4 or 2.</p><p>@manu: yep, my Holga does pretty the same and I really love it for that<br><br><center><a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/1212832&size=md"><img border="0" src="http://www.photo.net/photodb/image-display?photo_id=1212832&size=sm"></a></center>
  3. I've used the noct for the first time at daylight and have consistent

    vignetting on all the frames I shot at f 1. I attached an example

    picture. I've read about vignetting here but never saw it actually.

    Quite strong. Is this normal or has my noct got a problem?

  4. Thanks for all the info. I was afraid someone would bring up the "one of each" idea ;-) I'm bidding on a DR and thought I'd possibly sell my cron because I like the shorter minimum distance of the DR. Well, think I won't sell it. Seems I've turned into kind of a 50mm freak because I already have a summarit, current elmarit, cron, noct, jupiter 3 and jupiter 8. That brings up the idea of a big shootout to compare the lenses at several f-stops. Would that be of interest?
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