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Posts posted by cameracrack

  1. <p>Well, if it's the case of just needing a spool then I suggest buying the 5 pack from B&H and while you are at it you can get more 120 film. I think that they are reasonable.<br>

    But if you don't want to wait, what Q.G. suggests above sounds good too!</p>

  2. <p>with the lack of a completely dark room or closet, i can't respool my 120 film so instead I just trim the 120 spool to a 620 size. So I could keep my metal spools, I purchased a set of 120 spools at B&H for $5 which came with 5 spools. I trimmed those down too.<br>

    This guy shows how to do it.<br>


    I haven't had a problem doing it this way. It's quick and easy.</p>

  3. <p>Hi<br>

    I'm shopping around for my own DSLR. I use mostly only film cameras. Up to now I have been borrowing my husbands Sony A300. I am getting more serious about my photography and this semester I am taking three photography courses and think it's time I get my own. After much research I had decided on the K-X. I especially like that you can use any Pentax lens even made with it. Adorama has a lens kit with 18-55mm and 55-300mm. I was also looking at the K-7 and now I am just not sure if I should get the K-7 or the K-X. The K-X is an entry level DSLR. I don't know if it would be a smart move on my part to buy the K7 and "grow" into it.<br>

    What are your thoughts?</p>

  4. <p>I absolutely adore the Signet 40, the radioactive lens is a fun fact to share with friends. I have three of these and only one works. The first time I took photos with one a few months back, it felt so right! I was luck enough to have one with a roll of film still inside. What a great surprise to find photos of road trip. Here is a link to my<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/34548553@N02/sets/72157622833413528/"> flickr </a>where you can see them.<br>

    These are wonderful photos, do you or will you have more to share?</p>

  5. <p>Yea, ebay can be frustrating. Since it is a vintage camera, sell it as is, for parts- no refunds. The person buying should realize that there's not much you can do about it if it doesn't work. That's usually the deal on eBay anyway. It's a toss up, you might get a camera that works or you might not. Tell them to read the description carefully.</p>
  6. <p>Though I have a digital camera and plan on getting a DSLR in the fall, I will always prefer film and my manual cameras over digital. In the last year I have built a small collection of vintage cameras. I love using them all.<br>

    Manual cameras force you to learn how to really use a camera. It's too easy for just anyone to pick up a DSLR and take a nice picture.<br>

    It's fun to manipulate film yourself and not through a program. DIY is the best way to do anything. Knowing that you did it on your own. I guess it's self-actualizing.<br>

    I'll be digitally scanning my film negatives because I want to share them with everyone and preserve them should anything happen to the negatives or prints.</p>


  7. <p>Aww, sorry Ray. It might be that they are preoccupied with the up coming Agrus gathering. Hopefully they get back to you soon. If not, as Tom suggested, you could try getting another on eBay. They are pretty inexpensive and also fix it yourself. Here's Rick Oleson's website http://rick_oleson.tripod.com/index-27.html You might find it helpful, there are a few exploded drawings and articles on the C4. Rick is a great guy, very knowledgeable.</p>
  8. Thanks to you all. I'm setting it to X right now! Yes Chuck, I did test the self-timer before I bought it. I'm not sure if when I did, it was set on X or M because the former owner had moved around the level when he was showing it to me. Thankfully nothing happened! It came with a lens hood and the 35mm adapter kit which was only missing one piece that I was quickly able to find a replacement for without paying an arm and a leg! I think I got a good deal.


    Len, I plan to sew myself a new strap this week. I caught myself a few times holding on to the leather strap. I also had a drop one time with my Argus A2B. Thankfully it just fell on to the couch. Phew. Can't wait to get the film developed.


    Alex, thanks for the tip. I'm going to also use a piece of folder paper to hold it in X position.


    Martin, thank you for the links they were helpful.

  9. <p>Hi there everyone!<br>

    I have a questions about my "new" Yashica 635 (it was an early mother's day gift from my husband). We bought it locally from someone who said it belonged to his father. He said he didn't know much about it and never got around to using it. I tested everything before I took it home. Speeds all good, self-timer is good, lens and ground glass good. He said that he had heard from someone that the x/m switch could break the camera, but he couldn't remember why. I can't really find any information on this and just wondering if anyone could explain what he meant and why would it break or is it just bull that someone told him? I haven't touched the switch. Currently, it is set to M. I already ran a roll of 120 film through her, I haven't developed it yet but I didn't experience any type of issues. So far she's been a dream.<br>

    Thoughts and comments are appreciated.<br>

    Hope all the mom's on the forum are having a happy mother's day!<br>

    - Liana</p>

    <p> </p><div>00WQc4-242941684.jpg.90fbb64ceaedd6be2078ddebb146835f.jpg</div>

  10. <p>Thank you! Well that explains it, I can't wait to get out there this weekend and start taking some awesome pictures on my cameras. I have about 4 with film in them that I need to either start or finish.<br /> I forgot which type of film I got but I know the roll in my Seventyfive (sorry I wrote 75 before forgetting that there is an Argus 75 as well) is Kodak colorfilm. My other cameras will be loaded with various other brand since I want to get a taste of what they are like... so I have Ilford hp5 plus 400, Fijiflim Neopan 400, Fomapan Classic 100.<br /> My Seventyfive doesn't jerk as hard as it sounds that yours does, at least I don't think so. I fixed this one myself, it had a shutter that would always stick open and close very slow. But now it's very smooth. Either way I'll be sure to hold it steady and tight.</p>


  11. <p>I have a few TLR and TTV cameras I have been wanting to try. I finally got myself some 120 film and and some 620 spools and I am ready to go. However, I have never loaded 120 film in a camera so I have watch a video on YouTube and I think I got it but now I have a question after trying to load into my Argus Argoflex 75..<br>

    Will the numbers on the film that are supposed to show up in the red window line up? I saw some numbers off to the side of the film back paper but it doesn't line up with the red window on this camera. I don't know if maybe more modern TLR's have their window off to the side now or I didn't load enough of the film or what.</p>

  12. <p>Heh, Sorry I just put the lens on the box of my Signet 50 so you could see the lens better. Thanks Curt and Matthew. I thought maybe it could be for an Autronic but it didn't look like the set on ACG reference page. I'm going to have to see about that.I'd don't think it's going to be a C4, they are usually chrome, and these are plastic.<br>

    Matthew- if you are interested in seeing the Signet 50 here is the post I wrote about it in December http://www.photo.net/classic-cameras-forum/00VE2t<br>

    Thanks to you both for your input, it was helpful!</p>

  13. <p>Hey</p>

    <p>So someone gave me these Argus camera lens and they don't say anywhere on them what camera they go to. I am thinking maybe goes to the ST1000 or the Argus/Cocina or similar models??? Would anyone know?<br>

    I'm getting an error message trying to upload the picture so...<br>

    <img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2784/4296876129_74bd833d0c.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="375" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4014/4297620006_693ed0935d.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="375" /></p>

  14. <p>I tried the method that you have mentioned Greg. Both my husband and I tried to twist it off with the tip of a butter knife. It would not budge, it felt like it was going to break... the butter knife bent.</p>

    <p>Dan- I have two Signet 40's with the same problem. I have no idea how to fix it and it's a real shame, they are also my favorite. I have no idea how to fix it. I have tried to find any info online but it seems that there is none. If you have any luck let me know please!</p>

  15. <p>I am trying to remove the top cover of my Signet 40 to <strong>try</strong> and fix the problem that I am having. The film advance lever won't lock. I opened the bottom compartment and I don't think the problem is there.<br /> I can't find instructions for my issue so I am taking a stab in the dark. I rather try than own a decoration.<br /> So the problem is that I can't get to this screw. I have not a clue how to get to it since the film winder doesn't seem to just screw off. Do I need a special tool?<br /> <img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2455/4160715494_ef8bffdd8d.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="375" /></p>
  16. <p>Hey<br>

    I received last week an awesome Argus Argoflex E. Everything works the only problem is the ground focus glass is cracked. I was wondering if anyone would know where I could get a replacement for it other than eBay. Is there a place that makes or has replacement parts for TLR's?</p>

  17. <p>Thanks for the info and all the stories!<br /> My husband and I were so shocked that it melted we took video that I took a photo of the Christmas tree while using a flashbulb.<br>

    They are a bit costly when I come across them on ebay. I'll have to be pickier about when I use them.</p>

    <p> </p>

  18. <p>So I was given some flashbulbs (thanks again Mark). I whipped out my Signet 50 and popped one in. I took my first picture using a flashbulb ever! It was kool, my family and I were all wowed.<br>

    <br /> When I took the picture, I looked at the bulb and it has cracked and melted all the way around but still intact. So I was wondering if that's normal. I figured that I would be able to take more than one picture with a bulb but I suppose that it happens because of their age?</p>


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