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Posts posted by AntonioC

  1. Thank you, but still it is not very clear. I checked the page you suggested (bergmangraphics) and it says "Fuji recommends your image to be in a sRGB color space". Later on it says to apply the ICC profile specific to the machine (which I've found this morning) to make soft proofing from your color space and in the end to convert to the Frontier ICC. <br>From another <a href="http://www.sbphotonews.com/profiles.html">source</a> I've found that the Frontier machines basically ignore the ICC profile of the file they're printing, assuming they're just receiving sRGB data, so the profiles are useful JUST to softproof your file, which should remain sRGB. <br>So, plain sRGB, tweaked for the machine by softproof, or conversion with the proprietary ICC, embedded in the file? Thanks!
  2. I just got an enlargement (8X10) of an image printed from a Frontier

    (don't remember the number). The final result has a much narrower

    gamut than the version I saw on my monitor. I was stupid enough to

    save it in the sRGB ICC profile matching my monitor.

    I guess I probably should have saved it with an Adobe 98 RGB profile.

    Could this have helped?

    Or, is it possible to get somewhere the ICC profiles corresponding to

    say a Frontier printer or the Agfa analog?

    Thank you very much! BTW, this was the image:<div>0043VW-10242684.jpg.328de54798086cffbcc0b1555d5e37db.jpg</div>

  3. Martin,


    I don't know for Malta, but in the EU countries, euro is the ONLY currency, you find the old liras and so on still on tags just for convenience. About the great increase in prices, living here and comparing, all I can say is there have been some cases of unjustifiable rise, but in general there hasn't been a real conversion effect. Actually nearly zero. BTW, given the exchange rate now, if it wasn't for vat and shipping, B&H prices have never been so attracting...

  4. I think this is an improvement over the savage ratings we got here. One further improvement to reduce rating inflation would be to request a comment to justify also 9s and 10s. So we'd have "normal" photos with ratings ranging from 5 to 8, and beautiful/awful shots so compelling to request a comment and benefit from a complete scale.
  5. I don't think it's a new idea, but I thought about it reading the thread about missed shots. It sounds kind of funny, e.g. shots which show your natural environment (wow, from us to eu to japan), selfportraits (s***t, not every camera has a self timer... joking;), people walking (or reading, or talking, whatever). Just decide the subject and everyone who has something in line posts it, not necessarily for critique.

    I just thought it could be interesting.








    Tony, no offense at all if this gets deleted, just an idea...

  6. Olivier, with my f100 I can choose to lock esposure by half-pressing

    the shutter release, via custom functions. I can also, if need be,

    decide to start AF via shutter release, togheter with ae lock or not,

    or via af-button alone (cf-4). It's an easy and very flexible system,

    once you've set up your preferences you can use it a la m7 or any

    other way you want.

  7. I have a G1, bought used, green label, and no problems so far (1 year

    in my hands). I can only speak for the 45 and 28, they are wonderful,

    without any doubt. The camea has some idiosincrasies, i.e. manual

    focusing is hard (the weel on the g1 is free to rotate). The

    viewfinder is something you get used to, not a big problem ,and AF is

    accurate (never had a problem focusing the 45 at near distance). DOF

    missing on the barrel is a pity, really. All in all a good camera, if

    portability, compactness and craft are important to you. About

    exposure, it's usually very accurate also with slides.

  8. Really, printing by yourself would yeld much better results than any

    1-hr lab. In any case, my suggestion would be to use c-41 films

    (especially Ilford XP2-s), have them developed by any 1-hr lab (it's

    nearly impossible to screw up a c-41 neg, really) and then a) print

    it yourself, or b) have it printed through a Frontier machine, where

    you can have contrast easily under control. I think frontier is the

    best/fastest way to have real bw prints without a real pro lab, or a

    home darkroom. Which would be the best anyway...


  9. Hi all,




    I've just started a (little) <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=188348">project</a>about my city, Milan, known in Italy as a busy, frenzy, nearly hysterical heart of the country. The title says it all. All I've got now are some frontier proofs which I'm going to reprint by myself (i.e. the tones are a bit off). But I was curious to know your comments about it (just two as of now). Hope you'll aprreciate it.

  10. Thank you very much to all the people here who took their time to

    critique this photo. I agree, I consider a success having both

    strongly negative respones and positive ones, IMHO better than

    something which leaves you so-so, neither warm nor cold. Anyway, I

    should point out that this photo wasn't intended to show Silvia as a

    beauty (which she really is) but as one of the most curious and never-

    ever-relaxed people I've come to know and appreciate. It was a joy to

    realize these shots, anyway.

    OK, thanks again to all of you, I was very pleased to read your


  11. Steven,




    it depends. Here (Italy) it's impossible to find a useable M6 for

    less than 1200$, and also in this case you'll have to use beaten up

    bodies. The same seems to apply to Europe in general, so this camera

    seems quite attractive to use Leica lenses.

    If you want to laugh, consider that a new M6 here will cost you

    something like 2600$ (ouch!), and also a new Hexar RF is about 1400$.

    I'd really prefer saving on the body in order to afford better (=not

    so beaten) lenses.

  12. Thank you very much for your advice. Having never dealt with ebay I'm

    a little concerned about it.

    And I recognize the price is quite high for this sample, but alas

    it's in line with the majority of used cameras dealers here (Milan).

    Grazie Mani, I've just written to Mr. Crescenzi hoping to find

    something more acceptable.




    As for the collapsible, I've done a research on this forum just to

    conclude it's not such a great lens (as it should, since it's going

    to be my only lens for both BW and slides for a looong time!)




    Thank you again for the valuable help.

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