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Posts posted by paul_de_caluwe

  1. <p>Flash fires every second time: is this consistently so or a coincidence? III f used a Leitz flash cable (part 15523) with a bayonet plug that secured it into the flashsocket. Allthough modern flash cables fit into the socket and make contact, I doubt if the contact is tight enough to work flawlessly. I had the same problem with my III f but never bothered to check it properly. Maybe it is this simple (is it ever?) and there's no need to look any further.</p>
  2. <p>I wouldn't blame my Hektor lens. If it focusses O.K. on your ground glass it will focus just the same on film or sensor. What you see on your glass is what will be on your picture, or not...<br>

    But then it's probably the visoflex:<br>

    Have you checked if the mirror is fully returning after picture taking. it could remain slightly raised due to sticky hinges or mechanism or to a sticky cable-release or due to foreign matter between the mirror and the mirror-stop. You will not see this on your focussing screen but the picture will be out of focus.<br>

    Also has the ground glass ever been removed and put back with or without shims ?<br>

    Your Visoflex one will fit perfectly on any M-Leica with the adapters for the screw-lenses. A digital M would be very convenient for further testing.<br>

    Just a few thoughts.<br>


  3. <p>Same thing happened to my M2 earlier this year. Exercising shutter release and rewind lever didn't do any good so I had to send it in for repair. I was informed that debris of the light baffle jammed the shutter, so faulty parts were replaced, shutter curtains removed and put back in place, shutter mechanism lubed and adjusted. Camera now works as new.<br>

    As guestimated cost for repair by Leica service would probably amount to twice the value of the camera I had it fixed by a local repair man. This set me back 255 Euros or US$ 380.</p>

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