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Posts posted by duncan_twentytwo

  1. <p>Just a line to thank you all for the excellent advice although I think Dan is spot on with his comment that I am assuming an L lens will give me much better prints (I never need to go above 11 x 8 ) than my standard 18 - 55mm IS but for the money I would be paying it's unlikely they would be that much better.<br>

    If I was a professional or serious amateur photographer then this would be a lens to purchase but most of my photography is limited to Landscapes as I do a lot of fell walking. Taking no more than 250 shots per walk.<br>

    Prior to owning the 400D I had a Canon G6 and to be honest it was impossible to tell in some instances which camera had taken the photographs when they were printed out and compared side by side. In short I was assuming a big jump in the sharpness of photographs between these two cameras which is simply not there and I expect this also applies to my thoughts about the L lens.<br>

    Thanks again for your replies.</p>

  2. <p>Is there any point in purchasing a canon L lens for a Canon SLR that has a 1.6 crop factor ?<br>

    I ask as a friend has offered me an L Lens at a good price but I use a 400D with the standard 18-55 IS and simply wish to know if my money would be better spent on upgrading the camera body rather than buying this lens which is cheap but still expensive if that makes sense.</p>


  3. <p>I Have recently upgraded to the latest version of Photomatix and am having an odd problem.<br>

    I download RAW images into Lightroom and from there transfer them to Photomatix using batch processing.<br>

    Once I have made the necessary adjustments I am unable to reload the photos back into Lightroom and get a message unable to read file.<br>

    I Can load the into Photoshop but get the warning.. The embedded ICC profile cannot be used because the ICC profile is invalid. Despite this message I can still load into photoshop, save the picture and then open it ok in Lightroom.<br>

    I Never had this problem with previous versions of the program. Any advice would be gratefully recieved.</p>

    <p>Thank you</p>

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