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jims pictures

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Posts posted by jims pictures

  1. <p>Hello:<br>

    I've been reading about gels and flashunits: changing the color for mood or specific things. I understand that a person can change a lot in CS5 using the tone and color controls. How is this duifferent then using gels? There must be some advantage. I just can't get my head around it, I know I'm missing something. Thanks for any information.<br>

    Jim C</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>Hello: I have a Canon5D Mark II and have been in the hobby as a digital amateur for about two to three years.<br>

    I'm debating buying equipment and learning technique in <strong>two</strong> areas. Portraiture and home photo printing. I'm very happy w/ MPIX and have spent about $125 there in the last two years. I 'm assuming that<strong> if</strong> I go into into portrait photography, (NOT as a profession, just as a 'happy hobby: seeing people and offering my services.) I'll need to do home printing.<br>

    That being said I see that the Epson R1900 is the way to go. (via Scott Kelby, and many many reviews I've read.) For the last few months I see it out of stock at $200. My questions are as follows:<br>

    1) Does anyone know when it will be in stock?<br>

    2) If not any other suggestions?<br>

    3) Is my assumption correct that I should use home printing for portrait photography ? I realize this is judgement call. Do anyone of you out there use online printing to a great extent exclusively? <br>

    Thanks very much for any answers, observations or judgements. Your helping an amateur a lot.<br>

    Jim C.</p>


  3. <p>Hello:<br>

    I've been gathering up equipment and advise (Some from this site, thanks!) for Portrait work. I'd like to give it a go but I lack models. (I live alone, and most of my friends are too busy with their 'too busy' lives to help out.) My idea is to post an ad in the local paper, on craiglist and perhaps at the local supermarket. It would say something to the effect: <br>

    <em>Photographic Models wanted. All ages considered. (Under 18 must be accompanied by legal parent.)</em> <br>

    Perhaps I should expand it such: <em>Local photographer looking for a wide variety of models for portfolio addition.</em><br>

    <em>No experience necessary. $50 per hour.</em><br>

    In this area, $50 is the usual rate for an art/music lesson.<br>

    What are your thoughts? Is $50 too much? If I do pay them should they expect printed 8x10's? Or perhaps we talk that out before the shoot?<br>

    I need people to learn lighting, placement of the model, etc. $50 is steep for me but I'm shy, and have a hard time just going up to people. <br>

    Thanks for any advise.<br>


    <p><em><br /></em></p>

    <p><em><br /></em></p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>Hello:<br>

    I hope my header is not too confusing. I'm learning portrait photography and have bought the necessary equipment: background, light stand,etc. I'm thinking the best way to learn lighting and it's effect would be to use a head sculpture mounted on a stand. (Or something like that.) That way I could arrange my two lights and lean the basics without the nervousness caused by a model. Trouble is I don't know where to even look for what I'm describing.<br>

    Everyone out there has been a beginner and I'm wondering how others have started out. (I'm single so I can't use my wife!) Any help appreciated. Thanks for your time.<br>

    Jim C.</p>

  5. <p>Hello:<br>

    I'm about to graduate from one flash unit to two, in my amateur photography journey. (I'd like to have another for portraiture.) Another 580EXII would be just fine. The 'equipment hog' in me is wondering if there is another flash coming up from Canon. I know of none, but the 'equipment hog' would hate to buy a 580 and then another flash come out by Canon. Any info appreciated and thanks for your time.<br>

    Jim C.</p>

  6. <p>OK thanks all very much for your input. I<strong> never</strong> wanted to stir up any hornets nest about this. <br>

    So it seems that to get the<strong> very best</strong> print I should do it myself and use Adobe, OK. (I always shoot in RAW by the way.)<br>

    I just did a search on Amazon and found Michel Freeman's book on printing w/ an Epson printer. I'll read that and decide. <br>

    Thanks again for all the help here. <br>

    Jim C.</p>

  7. <p>Hi:</p>

    <p> It seems that this topic has been explored a lot, and I apologize here for bringing it up again when I should have done a more through search.<br>

    One bottom line (!) seems to be that it doesn't matter too much. Here are the two links:<br>



    I'll not worry too much.</p>

    <p>Jim C.</p>


  8. <p>Hello:<br>

    I don't have a photo printer (yet) and use the simple and fast online MPIX solution for printing pictures. I'm happy with the results. Unless I'm mistaken I can only send them sRGB photos. Does this limit my picture quality? I have a Canon 5DMark II and wish to be as good an amateur photographer as possible. Thank you for any help.<br>

    Jim C.</p>

  9. <p>Mr Mann:<br>

    Thanks for you interest. The image labeled " lilac 2Test" is from the CR w<strong>ith only some sharpening applied: Amt 40, Radius 0.8, Detail 50, Masking about 40.</strong> These were the settings I used on the original. With the orginal image (top) I then used NIK's 'Color/Contrast range effect. Perhaps that might answer your saturation question? Thanks for your time.<br>

    Jim C</p><div>00YcYJ-351439684.jpg.8a722f9412253a05005e7af05970e984.jpg</div>

  10. <p>Hi Again:<br>

    I'm not sure about the background. I walked the picture through NIK's Viviza and then Color Effects Pro. Something in 'contrast color range' in that program lent the background.<br>

    Here is the picture using sRGB. It seems the same to me. I assume it's importent to use this color profile when using the web? Sorry for any 'misphotoinformation'! Thanks again.</p><div>00YcPx-351297584.jpg.11021f8bdfb51a6d835fa1ae7ae0884d.jpg</div>

  11. <p>Ah yes, I forgot. The image is sharpened for screen NOT print. I'll redo it and try it w/ print. Thank you. <br>

    NOT to open a can of worms here, but as I'm new I'll ask one more question: I sharpened this picture and all my pictures with the Camera RAW sharpening procedure. (CS4-5) Should I (as an beginner and amateur) use NIK's sharpening in my (small) workflow? I have the software as it came along with my Viviza package. (That's where the color background came from.) I'm never sure where to stop in this sharpening process.</p>

    <p>Tanks for the advice and compliment! </p>

    <p> </p>

  12. <p>Hello:<br>

    I'm a newcomer to Digital darkroom, been with PS4 and 5 for about a year. I'd appreciate any response anyone has to this picture. My question is what could the white halos be in this picture? I shot at ISO 100 1/200 f5.6 w a Canon 100mm macro handheld. Is it possible that it's pollen or 'digital' grain? The RAW file has the white on it also. Thanks very much for your time and please excuse my inexperience<br>

    Jim Conklin</p><div>00YcHg-351167584.jpg.5d965c42b8fce5fbe7b8e24ccd5078eb.jpg</div>

  13. <p> It's exactly what I'm asking for! Thank you very much for your detailed answer to my question. Yes, I'm <em>just</em> at the point where I know how to layer the two photos and use the brush to conceal/reveal the background. From here I'd like to refine things. (I'm self taught w/ PS, using generally three great books to learn: Scott Kelby's manual for step by step procedure, Martin Evening's tombs as general reference and Lesa King's 'The Missing Manual' as a mixture of the two.)<br>

    Just as an aside I'm an amateur photographer and find working/learning w/ PS fun. I TRY to get the picture right first in the camera, but a Little help w/ PS is always nice. Thanks again.<br>

    (That's nice color in your picture, I assume a little was done w/ Photoshop.)<br>

    Jim C.</p>


  14. <p>Hello: I'm been learning Photoshop for about a year. I have CS5 and Windows 7. One (devil's (!) task I'd like to learn is how to switch (say) sky backgrounds. My question is what do I look for in the photo in order for the dimensions and image quality to match each other. I understand I'm 'manipulating' a photo and I'm aware of the consequences; I just want to learn the skill involved. I have a number of books that explain how to do it, but they never talk about getting the dimensions correct. Thanks for any help.<br>


  15. <p>Hello: I'm a beginner w/ Photoshop, I've worked w/ CS4 for about a year. I just loaded up CS5. In the camera calibration and camera profile I see '<strong> matrix</strong>' and Adobe Standard, Faithful, Landscape, Neutral, etc. <strong> What is Matrix? </strong><br>

    Also in Camera Calibration Process all I see is '<strong>2010 (current') and '2003'. </strong>Could some one explain what this means? (I'm posting here rather then the beginner forum. )I tried searcing Adobe central but didn't come across any info. Thanks for your help and time.<br>


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