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  1. <p>Hi Chris, thank you for the help. I tried but still not work. I think the reason is Foton does not have a mechanism behind the lens mount, like Leica, when you push it the rangefinder will move left or right. The Foton uses a helical ring inside the lens mount that you have to turn it other than push it. The panchrotal lens can not couple the ring as it is inside the mount and the panchrotal uses the outside 3 lug byonet mount. But I find there is also a ring inside the lens and it might connect a spring deeper inside so the ring in the lens is a bit flexible and can be pushed in and rebound, but it seems this ring still can not couple the rangefinder control system as the ring still needs Leica like pushing style rangefinder control system. I think if panchrotal can couple the rangefinder, the ring in the lens should be the key but I do not know how it works. </p>
  2. <p>Hello, I have a Foton camera and I like it very much. Recently I am interested in its 100mm Panchrotal lens. But I find the lens has a very special mount, and this means Foton camera actually has two mounts, one for 50mm amotal and one for 100mm panchrotal. But I do not know how to get it work. Is there anybody who has the Foton camera and the Panchrotal lens? Does it couple the rangefinder? Thanks! </p>
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