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Image Comments posted by kenny_muir

  1. Thanks for the feedback. It's always good to know you others think a photo can be improved. It was an amazing sunset and I spent an hour there watching things evolve. at this point the colours of the sky were starting to darken and causing the city lights to over expose.

    I try to avoid manipulation however I did create a 3 exposure shot about about 15 minutes earlier which did get over the point you have suggested. I really like the colours reflecting in the water on this one (the turquoise in particlar) but I may try and pull up the highlights to see what I can acheive



  2. Thank you for the critique. Overall I am pleased with the shot but the one thing that really niggles is that everytime I look at the photo I see a square in the centre of the frame formed by the coastline on the right-hand side, the cuillin coastline and the large rock on the left. Does anyone else notice this?


    This is a very powerful image. The clouds look seriously manacing. Beautifully executed. Although I would have loved to have been there to see this I feel sorry for the poor folk in the boats!

    "End Of Day II"

    This is outstanding! I particularly like the long shadows in that spectacular red light on the foreground snow as well as the rich red of the river. There isn't a lot going on in the top third of the image and I wonder whether cropping down about half of it would help keep the eye on the real drama
  3. The lighting is truly wonderful on the mountains and the whole scene is beautifully exposed and sharp fron to back. My only gripe, and it is a small one, is that the exposed tree roots overlap the reflection of the trees on the right making it difficult to make out outlines. Overall a superb piece of work though

    The Big Freeze


    Taken at 3am and at -8C under a near full moon during the 2010 cold

    snap in Scotland. The loch was completely frozen which is unusal for

    this part of the country.

    The lighting is unusual given that this was long past sunset. The only

    explanantion I could come up with was that it represented the city

    glow from Glasgow city 50 miles North

  4. I had difficulty trying to decide where to put this shot. The figure

    possibly makes it ineligible for landscape so it has ended up here (in

    travel) - so apologies if you don't agree.

    The photo was taken on the Te Paki sand dunes in far north in New

    Zealand's North Island. You may think it would be swelteringly hot

    here, but rainfall is frequent.


    The colour tones are gorgeous. Really beautifully captured. Avoiding the out of focus flowers in the foreground may have worked better - but on the other hand it gives a strong feeling of depth and involvement
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