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Posts posted by jody_stowitts

  1. <p>Peter, you're right in your assessment. I agree. I've shot 35mm chromes for just under 50 years with Leica glass and still cannot give up the enjoyment and beauty of projected slides. I too have gone to using Leica glass on 5DII and dig it. But just cannot completely abdicate film. I'm sure some nostalgic attachment is a factor. Suppose its just part and parcel of living in this transitional era ?!</p>
  2. <p>Heliopan or B+W! They're brass, and IMO are less likely to get stuck. Also told by someone "in the know" to not get the super duper multi coated one because they are harder to clean than the regular coated ones. If you insist on "same name" filter there's probably no difference because they probably contract with Schott for the glass anyway.</p>
  3. <p>Scorched oak?? How gauche!! Anybody who's anybody knows that whiskey- cured hemlock is the only wood of choice!! Infinitely more attractive on aged "black paint" Leicas than oak!! The grain is more open and hence more friction on whorls of fingerprints and ergo less likely to lose one's grip while "doublefingeredly" setting aperture and focus simultaneously , for that quasi-"near-instant autofocus" rush!!!!<br>


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