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Wouter Willemse

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by Wouter Willemse



    Plastic suffering with happy flowers. Because crucifiction wasn't bad enough....


    Indeed putting one's beliefs on display like this always makes me wonder the thought process that went into doing it. In my view (without any doubt tainted), these kind of things reduce religion to some two-dimensional shallow rite without a serious intellectual or spiritual investment. Then again, the owner of this bike probably will be convinced I'll end burning in hell, so not sure the discussion would go anywhere.

    Design Utility

    There is some bitter sweetness about this image. We're locked out, we see the back-end of the world, where the screws, bolts and nuts that are usually so careful hidden to keep up appearances are in plain view, where things are just utilitarian because they need to do their job, without any aesthetic consideration. In this jungle, to find an aesthetic, is a pretty remarkable thing, Jack. Yet, the work of the outside, and it leaves us as viewers a sort of outsider. The good life is at the other end.


    I really like this one, Marco - very imaginative and original, and I like this kind of graphical minimalism that leaves you wondering what you're looking at. The series of shadows all have these qualities, to me this one is the best in that series so far.

    Our World


    Smart cat ;-)


    It's a "small" funny photo at quick glance, but there is plenty story behind it, and certainly a story with enough polarising opinions, to make it a lot more than its almost snap-shot esthetics seem to imply.



    Terrific, just pure and simple terrific.

    I could either write an awful lot of words now, or just sit back in silence and enjoy this. And I guess everybody is better served with the second option.


    Oh man, this is sooooo good.



    Exactly how I currently feel at work. I should be using that keyboard, but it just fades away in a friday-afternoon blur.

    There is maybe a touch of irony that the only key in focus is ConTRoL. And maybe that's just the bite that elevates this photo to something more ;-)



    As a thumbnail, it's hard to decipher, but somehow it raised the impression to me of large columns falling.

    And now I see the image a bit better, I still am left with the idea that popped up in my head seeing the thumbnail. How the mighty are falling. Not sure why, but a sense of disintegration, of thumbling over one another remains.

    Or to quote from the movie the Matrix: "there is no spoon".

  1. I recall a critique calling you pluviophile, and if I am not mistaking, you're not particularly charmed by long cold winters, but.... my goodness, do you know how to make the best of it. This last series just works incredibly well.

    I just picked this specific photo because I'm plain jealous I have no such scenery near. The light, the snow, the details - it's a photographic feast.

  2. As Carlos, I think this image doesn't "feel" American but Eastern European or maybe Russia. It's also very timeless, probably only the cars in the background can disclose when this photo was made, but otherwise....

    While the weather and scene would suggest a somewhat harsh and solemn image, the waving gesture removes all such ideas, and makes it something of a shared moment, wandering but similar spirits connecting.

  3. It nearly feels voyeuristic, but in a discrete way, somehow. Not brash invasive, but rather catching that little glimpse of a hidden world, and the itching curiosity that follows inevitably after. Slightly uncomfortable, but well, now that we're here... beyond that (personal) discomfort....

    Somehow I also take some comfort in the ray of sun, that hides in the back. Comng from the shadows, we're moving towards it, and yet cannot see how bright, warm and nice the light will be. Most suitable for the time of year!

    A Tragedy in One Act


    Not sure why, but the pose of the figure together with the beams shooting out of the head makes me think the text is more "Where am I now? How did I end up here?" rather than something of imminent danger, terror and an unfriendly encounter with the train. It could be due to those smartphones indeed.

    Indeed something of a more comical angle rather than a flat-out warning. The visual language here to me seems very mild and mellow; maybe it's a cultural difference? Or is this sign the odd one?

    Nowhere to Hide


    The elephant in the room.... the title. I see more "nowhere to run" rather than "nowhere to hide". The sad look makes me believe the elephant at least gave in to the situation, and will stay put till the end of times.

    * * * *


    Ouch. Thanks for making me feel rather inadequate and uncreative. Probably I should take the inspiration from this image and use that to push for higher levels. But right now? I just feel a sedate, boring snapper.

    The title is short of how many stars this photos deserves for sure.

  4. It almost seems to hover between two extremes. On the one side, sunny weather and a clear sky, happy bright blue, the reference to young life, green in the background. On the other side the heavy texture of the walls, somewhat industrial-looking, the one only object closed in in a corner, a sense of exclusion and solitudine.

    Yes, it may well be about the composition as means to itself (and it works, no doubt), but like ever so often with your photos, it does raise questions and tickles the imagination enough to force you to study the photo with more than a casual glance.

  5. A rather swinging Mondriaan, though... but all for the better as your work can stand on its own merits just fine. I have to agree with James that the light under the yellow-orange leaf doesn't add a great deal and disturbes the rhythm of the scene a bit. But to me, it's not something that detracts a great deal to the photo on a whole.

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