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Posts posted by davidjames

  1. <p>another question: im looking into the hosting and on the site im looking at it has linux hosting and windows hosting, now i am using a mac so is that going to interfere with this hosting or is it completely independent from my operating system?or do i have to have a matching hosting plan for mac?</p>
  2. <p> Ok so i am trying to get a website going but in this process it seems more confusing than i thought it was. Basically im completely new to the whole make your own website thing and have no idea even where to begin. So i was wondering if any of you guys could help with the basics and what are some of the first steps i need to take to start to make a website. I would like to use Wordpress because it seems fairly easy to manage but exactly how do i do that do i buy a domain and then put word press on it? Any help is greatly appreciated here are some examples of what i would like to do.<br>



  3. <p>sorry i forgot that information, yes that is just for bodies and lenses and either way i choose canon or nikon i would already have a backup body nikon d80 or canon xti. just something to tie me over until things pick up. although if money could be left to spare on extra flashes or a grip thats perfectly ok with me :)</p>
  4. <p> Hello well my particular situation is that im going to start to shoot professionally or at least semi-pro and obviously need a camera. My specific needs are a camera for portraits, outdoor shoots particularly strobist work, events, and still have the capability of shooting sports. Now obviously a nikon D3 or a canon 1d series camera would easily satisfy this only problem is that i would like to only spend around $4,000 USD for a camera and maybe a pair of f 2.8 zooms my idea is to cover the range anywhere from normal to telephoto ie. 24-70mm and a 70-200mm but am open to suggestions. Only limitations being that it is canon or nikon full frame would of course be ideal but that is probably asking for too much in that price range. Maybe able to spend $5,000 USD but no more than that but if a deal could be had for cheaper i would gladly welcome it. Thank you for your time. </p>
  5. <p>well im 18 and a photographer. I took a photography class at my high school we started with film. Im gonna be honest ppl get a little too caught up with computer skills overshadowing their actual photographic skills. Film photography has become something for an elite group of people, and by that i mean people who actually shoot and develop their own film. A long time ago it was very costly to shoot with film, now thats not the case. often her class will provide them will free film i know mine did. even then to buy film today is pretty cheap, especially compared to the add ons and upgrades you will buy her for digital. Film focuses more on composition, while digital tends to be more instant satisfaction and less work. i would recommend film because it allows her to not have to worry about the computer and technical part and focus on the basics like aperture composition and shutter speed. A little manual labor wouldn't kill anyone either. Good Luck</p>
  6. <p>First off i shoot regularly with a D80 and sb-600. Its a great flash and can do practically anything the 800 or 900 can do. Battery wise i have had it for about 3 months now and have changed the batteries once. On camera it becomes very heavy and straining on your wrist so im assuming an 800 and especially 900 would be way too much weight without a battery grip. Mainly i use it on a light stand with a convertible reflector/shoot thru umbrella and it works flawlessly, no problems there. My issues with it are that it doesn't come with a diffuser or reflector card so if you shoot on camera a lot your gonna need to buy a diffuser. Secondly the power output is not as much as the 800/900 i learned this very quickly as my first actually work using it was to shoot a talent show in a gym with very very high ceilings. So with no diffuser and not being able to bounce of any walls it become a tough situation. But it was manageable with direct flash but still. Overall, the diffuser, commander mode, reflector card, and power output does not justify the extra $300 or more you will spend for a 900 or 800 the 600 is perfect for just about any need you could have. You could always get a 900 later as your needs and income grow</p>

    <p>-David O</p>

  7. <p>Overall as you can see the D300 is just all around a fantastic camera. The weather sealing would allow you to still shoot with more confidence nature shoots in whatever conditions you would like, providing your lenses are weather proof as well. But at the same time you have the versatility of shooting your family events. Although the movie mode in the D90 would prove useful for family events or recording your kids. Personally I find it gimmicky, but if it really is that important to you just hold off about two months and the D300s/D400 will come out with the HD movie mode. Say you held off two months and decided against movie mode well the new release would drop the price of the D300 probably around $1200. Just some food for thought </p>

    <p>Good luck<br>

    -David Orozco</p>

  8. <p>Dan and Brian: I guess i should have put in some background because as to your responses I mislead you and that is my fault I take responsibility for that. </p>


    <li>Although I am only 17,I am in a middle ground so to say Im not a novice, but not an established photographer by any means. I know the in's and out's of my camera to the extent where it is just natural I have no problem what so ever with basics as I have taken a years worth of a formal photography class and originally started with film, shot and developed my own in order to learn the basics, and then progressed from there to digital, more specifically a Nikon D80 with 18-135mm, 55-200mm, 50mm 1.8, and SB-600. As well as necessities like a tripod and editing programs like Photoshop CS3. I was and still am under close guidance with a local very knowledgeable photographer who has been involved in photography for over 30 years.</li>

    <li>I entered various photo contests locally as well as nationally with success and good feedback and then carried on to actually shoot first communions, a family reunion, school talent shows, and other school activities. Granted they were family functions and school related events so they were "low stakes" events. And again I had good success with each of these. So now I am looking to keep this slow progression going. I feel that I am a beginner in the world of paid photography which is why i posted here and I just wanted your opinions of the initial questions that i asked just as an outside source. </li>


    <p>Sorry for the miscommunication.My apologies.<br>

    -David O</p>

  9. <p> Hello, well i have a few questions to get out. First, what are some of the bare essentials, in your opinion, that a photographer should have for outdoor portrait photography and small event photography (ie. first communions, birthdays, reunions etc). Specifically essentials in categories such as # of cameras, lenses, # flashes, and flash accessories (example: umbrellas). Also editing programs such as light room, or photoshop or both. Also if you could prioritize which would be more important say and editing program vs equipment such as shoot thru umbrella. <br>

    Secondly, what are some good free websites, that allow you to host your photography and just in general promote your photography to people wanting to see. My goal is to promote my work to a broader audience than just family and family friends and to start to generate some money through my photography to help for better equipment and eventually lead to wedding photography but thats a whole different monster to tackle way down the road. Lastly just any advice in general in starting out is greatly appreciated. Thanks, feel free to ask any questions if anything is unclear.</p>

  10. <p>Thank you to all Remco, Tobey, PJ, and Bill. Pj its definitely comforting to hear that someone with your experience has had success with using a laptop, and thanks Bill i have heard nothing but praise for the new macbook lineup and I am currently checking whether or not to see if it will be compatible with my current desktop screen (non-apple screen, it is a dell) hopefully that will work out. Again thank you guys for your advice.</p>
  11. <p>Does anyone have any first hand experience using the new aluminum mac books? Specifically for editing and viewing pictures whether it be will traveling or not. And if so is editing manageable in regards to the rendition of the picture on the laptop screen or will it need calibrating software? I ask because very soon i will be getting one specifically the 15" mac book pro aluminum for college work and would like to use it for my photography needs. Also simply buying another screen for it would be too much money to spend at the moment.</p>

    <p>Thank you in advance for your time.<br>

    -David O.</p>


  12. <p> Hello, so I have a bit of a dilemma. I'm looking to start shooting portrait, general off-camera flash, and eventually lead into wedding photography as i have been getting a lot of requests by various people. My problem is I don't have the equipment sufficient enough for this (example speedlites or good quality lenses). So essentially i am starting fresh and I am choosing between the Nikon D300, Canon 40D, and Canon 50d. To accompany the camera would be a 70-200mm 2.8, a speedlite, and possibly a set of pocketwizards.<br>

    My concerns are with the Canon systems autofocus as i have heard that is not as fast and sometimes inaccurate and the flash would need a set of pocketwizards as the IR is not as accurate as Nikon's CLS. I figure that eventually i would have to invest in pocketwizards anyway so it isn't too much of a problem. So i come here to seek advice from experienced photographers in this field and first hand use with either system regarding the quality and reliability as well as your experiences with it. Thanks in advance for any advice and if you have any questions regarding any of it please feel free to ask away.</p>


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