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Posts posted by edward_feltman

  1. I am reseraching a new camera and am interersted in the E-510. Reviewing

    sample photos on the web it appears that most of the photos from the e-510 that

    I see are biased toward the warm side of the color scale. Is this a

    charactaristic of this camera.


    Also considdering the Pentax K10d.


    Thanks for your help.



  2. I use the ColoVision system and find that the best way to ensure that you get the colormeter flat on the screen is simply lay the monitor down and before gently placing the color meter on the indicated spot on the screen.


    On another note, I used the meter on my CRT with great results, but the laptop simply would not calibrate the laptop screen well. My Sonly TFT has a bluish tint and no mater what I tried it remained too contrasty.



  3. I have just picked up a Graflex 35n, 35mm camera. For the price I

    paid, I fugured low risk. I was rather surprised to find VERY few

    references to this model anywhere! I see many for the Graflex 35,

    which looks completely differnt that this one. The reason that I

    picked it up was that I felt that this was a very impressive peice

    of machinery. Almost a work of art! Is anyone familiar with this

    model? I am wondering why the Graflex 35mm cameras seem to sell for

    so little given the obvious quality.


    From the few references that I could find, it apperas that this

    model was ony manufacutured for a year or so. I would also like to

    find a repair person as the shutter speeds appear to work ony in

    bulb, and the individual shutter speeds all appear to be about the



    Any advice or information?





  4. I have been trying to use an alternate burnig technique in

    Photoshop (Photoshop v5.5) with no luck. By creating an overlay

    layer of 50% Gray and then painting on the image at varios

    opacities, the image should get darker. What I am finding is that

    the only the blacks get darker, but the highlights are untouched!

    When I create the layer, shouldn't the screen show up as 50% grey

    intill I turn of the view for that layer? I get nothing with the

    visiblity on, just the background layer! If I turn it off and use

    the brush, I get an error message that says that I must show my

    style. Any help would be appreciated.





  5. The only issue that I have with the FM is the lack of mirror lock up. Its a fabulous camera other than that, and I am given to understand that the models that I have identified have the mirror lock up. As for the coupling, I have all AF lenses, so there is no coupling on any of them, although I suppose that I could trade them out for the proper lens if need be (more time involved in this, more than I usually have).


    Yes, when I will be selling the N-70 when I settle on a new model, I realy have no need for its features and worry about the electonics (the camera is mint but my opinion is that electronics are the achillies heal of anything, and it has no mirror lock up.


    As for handheld meter, I use it only in some cases and would still like a TTL meter.


    Still, I am confused about the difference between AI, AIS and non AI.


    Thanks for all of the great input so far!



  6. OK, with the great input of this group I have narrowed down my search

    to one of the old Nikkormats or Nikon F. These are my hot bottons:


    -Mechanical only (except for the meter)

    -Split image focus

    -Depth of feild preview

    -Non stop down metering

    -Center weighted meter

    -Would like mirror lockup (not critical, but definetely a plus)


    Can anyone tell me which models encompass the above criteria; the

    only one that I have been able to rule out is the first Nikkormat due

    to it's average meter.


    Also, can someone tell me what the difference is between non ai, ai,

    ais? I am thinking that a non ai requires stop down to meter: Am I

    right about this?


    Thank you,



  7. Wow, some realy clear feelings on this subject from all. I realy like the idea of simply losing the N-70 and replacing it with a F or Nikkormat. This would allow me to retain a fine peice of equiptment and purchase non MF lenses at significantly less cost than the AF while being assured of reliability. Any advice on the Nikormats or manual Nikon bodies that would be appropriate.
  8. At the risk of touching of a war of brand fanatacism, I am

    considering giving up my Nikon equiptment in favor of a less

    expensive brand. Currently I have a Nikon FM and N-70. I dearly

    love the FM for its simplicity and sturdyness. There are no

    electonics to go bad and its built extrimely well. I find that I use

    the N-70 occasionally taking sports photos etc, and I do use the spot

    meter occasionally, but not often enough to be much of a deciding

    facotr. Like everyone else, I continue to spend money on lenses and

    accessories. I have a 28-110, a 50mm and 200mm lenses. I need a

    camera and a backup body.


    I am interested in switching to some of the other brands that are

    built well, have little to go rong, and are infinetly less expensive

    for lenses. An additional factor would be the availability of

    parts. Some of the names that come to mind are Yashica, Konica and

    Mamiya/Sekor. (Though I love the solid build of the Mamiya 35mm

    products, I am concerned because there does not seem to be a lot of

    cameras out there for future parts availability). I would like to

    know from the group how they would rate these brands and perhaps get

    some model reccomendations. I would like to have a depth of field

    preiview, split focus, and mirror lockup (alternatively, the FM's

    mirror lockup is engaged with the timer).


    I think in this way I can get a wider range of lenses and accessories

    with the investment of significantly less money. Any input?

  9. Thank you, good input from all. Digital compatibility certainly may be an issue, but with prices for a digital back for a 645 at many thousands of dollars, I think it will be a while before it comes into price range that this pooor amature can afford. Though I do think about it from time to time, I like my hands in the soup, and probably will not switch untill I am forced to. My main concern for the pro equiptment is the stress that it may have been under from 10 years of pro use...springs, shutters etc. Perhaps this stuff is built so well that with regualr CLA, it just does not wear out.
  10. I am upgrading my camera equiptment and have an opportunity to buy a

    package from a professional photographer. The equiptment is about

    ten years old, but has had a cla every year. Does anyone have a

    feeling for weather it is better to buy used equiptment from an

    amature that may not have had as much use, or from a pro who has

    taken care of his equiptment.


    I am of course interested in longevity as part of the equation.



  11. When considering development times, it seems to that because

    of �pour time� there could be significant variations. For example,

    does development time begin as soon as one begins pouring chemical

    into the tank (this can vary quite a bit depending on tank size and

    number of rolls in the tank) or when pouring is complete? Perhaps

    half way through? How about ending times. Would time end as soon as

    one begins dumping developer from the tank, at the end of the pour,

    or when the film is fully immersed in stop bath? Perhaps this is

    over analyzing, but with a 20 second pour a 20 second dump time and

    say a recommended development time of 6 minutes, one could actually

    be extending development by 10%. How do the individuals in this

    group handle this issue, or is it even an issue to worry about?


    Thank you,



  12. I just noticed something odd (perhaps it is normal but I never

    noticed before. I use an N-70 and just purchased a Sigma 28-105 3.8-

    4.6 to use with it and my FM. When moving focal length of the lens

    when on the N-70 in manual mode (and all others for that mater) the

    camera registers changing f-stops. at 45mm it may read 5.6 and when

    moved to 105mm it may read f8 or f8, even if the apature ring on the

    lens is set to 5.6.


    I would expect to see this at mimimum apature, but not in the

    middle. Any advice or explanations? Will my FM read this apature

    propery when coupled to the meter?


    Thank you



  13. I found the source of the trouble! I developed the latest roll shot with my old metering style, developed in fresh chemistry and D-76 and lo and behold the same problem. However this time I shot the scene at all shutter speeds and noticed the proper exposure three stops under where I metered proper exposure.


    As the shutter speeds sound right on, at Bill Mitchell's suggestion I looked at the apature and found that it was not closing. Closer inspection revealed that the flange in the camera designed to move the peg on the lens that closes the iris was bent. I simply bent it back into place and am now good to go.


    Now back to learning the Zone System! Without the help of this group I would still be cursing the entire process. I have learned quite a lot from you all. Thank you for everything!





  14. Oke doke then, I think I have got it and will give it a try. I shot a test roll yesterday without trying to use the zone system, have a fresh batch of D-76 and fresh fixer, so I�m back in familiar territory. Hopefully I will have time to develop it tonight to see that everything is still OK with my system and procedures.


    While shooting my test roll I noted that when I compared readings of the spot meter (on the N70) and center weighted, the spot meter called for significantly more exposure, perhaps the source of all of my trouble so far.


    So my first sojourn into the world of the Zone System has been kind of a bummer probably because I change to many variables at on time, developer, camera and metering tecnique. I was so excited by the first roll developed in Xtoll, and now am disappointed. Thank you for all of your help. I will let you know how the film turns out after tomorrow.

  15. What a great group. Everyone is so helpfull and willing to share expertise!


    Yes, I did mean make the apature smaller! Taking your advice I went to the park today just to shoot a roll as I used to without using the Zone System. I shot the scene at all shutter speeds just to see what will happen, however will not have time to process the roll for a day or two.


    A question on the use of the grey card. If you have a very small card as suggested, and no spot meter, is it usefull to bring the camera to the grey card to meter it to be sure that the only thing being read by the meter is the card (assuming that the card is the light that you are trying to meter)? I have always wondered about the intensity of light falling off with distance. Putting the question another way, if I had a spot meter to measure the light from the card (or any object for that matter at say 20 feet, and then at 2 feet, would I get the same reading?



  16. Mark,


    Perhaps I mis spoke (not having the camera in front of me when writing). To clarify, if the shadow meters in zone V and I want it in zone 3, I reduce the apature while watching my meter to place it two stops below the metered reading. I then check the fall of the highlight (in this case it should be zone 5 assuming a 2 stop range from highlight to shadow...correct? (this is the way that I have been doing it).


    If this is the inapropriate forum for this discussion I apologise as at first I thought the problem was with development.


    Thank you,



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