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Everything posted by matsko

  1. matsko

    rain over Ukraine

    it's actually a drawing Thank you
  2. matsko

    'Lurking Malware Menace'

    ...really cool thank you
  3. matsko

    Ola & Bartek

    ...cool kids. thx for your attention to my image of Nico Smith
  4. matsko

    ..la vida

    Exposure Date: 2015:01:27 13:57:15; ImageDescription: SONY DSC; Make: SONY ; Model: DSLR-A700; ExposureTime: 1/10 s; FNumber: f/8; ISOSpeedRatings: 200; ExposureProgram: Aperture priority; ExposureBiasValue: 0/10; MeteringMode: CenterWeightedAverage; Flash: Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode; FocalLength: 16 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 24 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 Windows; ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R03;
  5. matsko

    Winter sun

    ..I would call those few b/w images a meaningful abstraction (vs. meaningless one). When a recognizable objects, in this case a human body, become a part of illogical, structural composition, it create a cool unpredictable impression that one can find only in dreams. It's great that photographers finally start looking at life and everyday events as a creatives that make an image, and not as a observers that just copy the existing reality. Thx & hello from City of Art.
  6. matsko


    thx, Tom...it's just a watercolor / or photo-color
  7. matsko

    humble of New York

    Thank you, Jorge...no here's "humble" vs "human" (of New York)
  8. matsko

    humble of New York

    Central Park
  9. matsko

    humble of New York

    Exposure Date: 2015:02:04 17:35:51; ImageDescription: SONY DSC; Make: SONY ; Model: DSLR-A700; ExposureTime: 1/1000 s; FNumber: f/1; ISOSpeedRatings: 160; ExposureProgram: Aperture priority; ExposureBiasValue: 0/10; MeteringMode: CenterWeightedAverage; Flash: Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode; FocalLength: 50 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 75 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0 Windows; ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R03;
  10. matsko


    ...really windy and refreshing
  11. Exposure Date: 2015:01:29 21:03:02; Make: Hipstamatic; Model: 279; ExposureTime: 1/24 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 50; ExposureProgram: Normal program; ExposureBiasValue: 0/1; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 4 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 33 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0 Windows; ExifGpsLatitude: 40/1 44/1 5226/100; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: N; ExifGpsLongitude: 74/1 0/1 2531/100; ExifGpsLongitudeRef: W;
  12. matsko


    thx...& few words about my understanding of right and wrong in the image, in the photograph and generally in visual art work. * In contemporary art is nothing right at all: broken rules rule! Faces, proportions, colors, logic and even a presence of image itself - up to new, created in process of making an art work, unique rule applied only to the given art work and has nothing to do with any rule. Something that is out of the blue, eureka running out of a public bath, naked and shouting... * Image of a photographer following verity of rules is also fading away: every great photograph is small step in the "wrong" direction and removing that "mistake" makes a photograph dull and uninspiring, technically great but lacking a timeless artistic value...in fact, those great masters - Leonardo, Matisse, Warhol - just a very slow, following only their own rules "photographers".-) * even most expensive camera is just a pencil & Pablo needs nothing else, but a pencil and open, brave mind=|,-) *
  13. matsko


    thx for your critique, it was windy so it's the reason the lamppost isn't vertical.-) and very cold for my iPhone ( the only camera I have at that time)
  14. matsko


  15. matsko


    Exposure Date: 2015:01:26 16:18:10; Make: Hipstamatic; Model: 279; ExposureTime: 1/20 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 80; ExposureProgram: Normal program; ExposureBiasValue: 0/1; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 4 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 33 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 Windows; ExifGpsLatitude: 40/1 45/1 764/100; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: N; ExifGpsLongitude: 73/1 58/1 4126/100; ExifGpsLongitudeRef: W;
  16. matsko


    Exposure Date: 2015:01:26 17:11:22; Make: Hipstamatic; Model: 279; ExposureTime: 1/20 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 400; ExposureProgram: Normal program; ExposureBiasValue: 0/1; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 4 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 33 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 Windows; ExifGpsLatitude: 40/1 46/1 253/100; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: N; ExifGpsLongitude: 73/1 58/1 1779/100; ExifGpsLongitudeRef: W;
  17. matsko


  18. matsko


    Make: Waterlogue; Model: 1.1.2 (1.1.2003); Software: Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 Windows;
  19. matsko

    before the war

    Ukrainian in NYC
  20. matsko

    before the war

    Exposure Date: 2014:01:19 13:06:25; ImageDescription: SONY DSC; Make: SONY ; Model: DSLR-A700; ExposureTime: 1/160 s; FNumber: f/5; ISOSpeedRatings: 320; ExposureProgram: Aperture priority; ExposureBiasValue: 0/10; MeteringMode: Spot; Flash: Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode; FocalLength: 20 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 30 mm; Software: Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery 6.0.6000.16386; ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R03;
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