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Posts posted by kevin_b.2

  1. <p>I don't think you can expect people to advertise for you. Especially if they purchased something. However I do think you're idea of creating your own album and tagging them is a great idea. Make it clear that if they remove the tag then they also need to remove the picture from their own album/profile.</p>
  2. <p>I have an Rebel XTI. I'm currently leaning towards a 70-300 with IS. I'm just concerned with its non rugged construction. I also wish it was a fixed length (not prime) camera with internal zoom. Otherwise I also like the 80-400 Sigma. But that will be tougher to find.</p>
  3. <p>I'm looking to purchase a prime tele lens for shooting sports. But I don't know what i need. I know what i want. The ability to shoot a subject from far away to at min 33% of the image. So my max distance from the subject would be like I am near the 50 yrd line (football) shooting a hail mary pass into the endzone on the opposite corner. I think thats like 240-270ft I believe.</p>
  4. <p>The best results I've found is to change you color mode to Lab Color. And do a unsharpen mask only on the Lightness layer. <br>

    Don't be afraid to create a sharp and unsharp layer incase something doesn't look good. For instance for a facial portait I try to avoid sharpening skin (forehead) but I like the hairlines and eyebrows/eyes to be sharpened. You can then just delete something that you don't want sharpened.<br>

    Change color back to its original when done.</p>

  5. <p>I just recently bought a Canon Rebel Xti with the intention of possibly upgrading in the near future. This is more of a learners DSLR. Anyway, after a few weeks with my Rebel I am already looking for my next purchase. I took a brief look at Nikon's website and it seems that Nikon's lenses are about the same price as Canons.<br>

    However camera's of the similar specs seem to be slightly cheaper than Canon. Is this correct? Histortically accurate?</p>

  6. <p>I cannot seem to shoot continuous shots with my RS-60-e3 remote. I have mirror lock on and continuous mode works with the camera's shutter release. Am I doing something wrong or does this not work on my camera. The manual didn't mention anything. I have a Canon Rebel XTI.</p>
  7. <p>I started looking some more and I'm confused about Carbon fibre vs. Aluminum. I consider myself a cyclist and as far as road bikes is concerned. <br>

    Carbon fibre weighs less which is awesome, but... it absorbs power and vibration better (bad for power transfer good for lightness)<br>

    Aluminum is heavier however because of its rigidity it has more power transfer (better for short distance races).<br>

    So... it would seem that a carbon fibre tripod would perhaps absorb vibrations and ground movement better, where as an aluminum tripod moves less with the wind?<br>

    Am I close?</p>

  8. <p>Do dslrs cap out at a maximum write speed? For instance if I have a camera a few years old and i replace the compact flash card with a brand new 45mb/sec 16GB card. Will they be fully compatible? Is it possible to have too fast of a flash card?</p>
  9. <p>I have a budget of about $500. And I am looking at getting a good quality tripod and head. I only shoot with a DSLR and not a very heavy one. Usually under 5lbs. I was thinking I could go with a high quality head like a Arca-Swiss Z1 (~400). And skimp on the tripod. Get something for under $100. <br>

    I'm under the assumption that the head is more important for sharp photos than the tripod itself. Also I want a head that will last a long time. And I don't feel bad if I have to replace a $100 tripod.<br>

    Is this giong to work or will I just end up hating the cheap tripod?</p>

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