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Everything posted by leo_papandreou1

  1. It's clear from the article that this AI is processing photos taken by people, based on some norms it's "learned" from a dataset of photos taken by people, deemed by people to have a statistically "correct" internal computer representation. Granted that this is cooler than just applying auto-levels, and I'm sure eventually we'll have cameras with those kind of smarts for the benefit of interfaces (aka people) without their own taste, but that's a long ways off from a machine that knows what a photograph is, much less wants to take one. Do not forget in these AI scenarios that machines don't want to take photos, or cure cancer, or enslave mankind. Machines don't know anything and therefore are interested in nothing. Not even to be powered on. In that sense the most powerful supercomputer is not even as smart as an amoeba, which at least knows what it likes. Maybe you can attach a smart camera to a roomba to take pictures "autonomously", but they'll only be good pictures by accident, and then only because a sentient human being said they're good. Is this technology smarter than artfully dropping your camera on its shutter? Yeah, but not essentially.
  2. Machines may be smart but they don't crave. Don't worry folks in the future only two kinds of people will still be employed: artists and interfaces.
  3. <p>Photoshop has greatly improved my ability to make good photos worse. It's done nothing for my ability to appreciate someone else's great photograph, for I doubt a photo can be made essentially better in photoshop. If it conforms slightly better as a result with technical standards, it doesn't become memorable for one second longer for that fact. </p>
  4. <blockquote> <p>In retaliation, Missy began selling portraits from the Suicide Girls Instagram account for only $90 in the same size and using the same materials (inkjet on canvas) that Prince used. </p> </blockquote> <p>He should sue her for copyright infringement.</p>
  5. <p>Also, isn't the whole point of "slowing down" practicing mindfulness? He seems to think it's a prescription to make better "shots". Category error. Many people just want to enjoy photography.</p>
  6. <p>"Instinct" is another word for experience. If a person of ordinary chess experience always plays the first move that comes to mind, then he will lose quicker than usual.</p>
  7. <blockquote> <p>In retaliation, Missy began selling portraits from the Suicide Girls Instagram account for only $90 in the same size and using the same materials (inkjet on canvas) that Prince used. </p> </blockquote> <p>Has she learned nothing? She could sell enlargements of Prince's enlargements of her photos, for $200,000.</p>
  8. <p>Let's say I take your advice and I'm in some exotic land with an itsy-bitsy compact camera, when suddenly I spot a USAF resolution test chart. What then, smart guy, huh?</p>
  9. <p>You're going to have to work for all the episodes though, there's only two at the link. It used to be easier to find. I suggest googling "the genius of photography episode 3" etc.</p>
  10. <p>Everyone's seen <a href="http://www.veoh.com/watch/v6979965Z5ZpMaRd?h1=Genius+of+Photography+-+1">The Genius of Photography</a>, right? </p>
  11. <blockquote> <p>I attempted to start my own business almost 2 years ago, but it failed due to no one willing to pay for photos. As a matter of fact, I could hardly even find anyone to shoot for free. Sad, but true. So I figured well, I enjoy photography so much that I can't really NOT do it, so I'll just shoot my friends' kids for free. I know shooting for free is bad for the industry,</p> </blockquote> <p>Sounds like an obsession. I have those to. I don't get appreciated for them either. A rolling of eyes occasionally. You probably should not expect to receive the appreciation you so richly deserve for work, hobby, or an obsession from people who don't have that in common with you. They're just not on the same wavelength. </p>
  12. <blockquote> <p>I am still less awed by the photograph than by the fact that some people are capable of doing that kind of work</p> </blockquote> <p>It's a Mohawk <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=mohawk+indian+skywalkers">tradition</a>.</p>
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