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Image Comments posted by mgvaughan.com


    This is a very rich work- texturally speaking of course. It isn't another vacation shot and doesn't pretend to be anything other than what it is. I like it.


    I enjoyed your portfolio and found myself drawn to this particular image. The lines, textures and composition make this very interesting. It almost seems to be an illustration. Nice work!

    We are "ONE"

    Nicely executed. Any photo that can raise controversy from both sides, digital and purist, deserves a second look. technically, if you have to please the purists, make a negative from your digital file. Personally I say leave it as it is!
  1. Regarding cropping: I intentionally leave my images uncropped for clients. It gives them an opportunity to put a bit of themselves into their purchases at matting time. I find it is preferred for my images.


    Yes, I crop my photos the way I prefer them also.


    Personally, I shoot a lot of IR film on a regular basis. I appreciate an IR photo that doesn't rely on the typical white tree look. I like the feel of this photo.
  2. This is much closer to typical infrared shots than your other photos. I suggest you take a pen and paper into the field to record your settings, lighting conditions, etc., find a lab that hand develops and prints IR. If you are serious about learning to shoot the film I second reading Laurie's IR book. And after all is and and done- bracket!


    I enjoyed your Infrared photos. Personally, I shoot infrared film on a regular basis. However, I take a non-traditional approach to this non-traditional film. I would be happy to answer any questions for Kodak or Konica.
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