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Image Comments posted by ml

    Eagle attack


    Rod, the second picture I posted and doesnt work is the same as on my website.I have cropped the second picture to see the details more easily.It happened a few milisec after the first one because I blasted away with the mark 2 at 8 fps.


    This picture was posted as part of the series of fighting see eagles.

    I have most of the series in my website and as you would understand there is no reason to make composites for the series !!

    I posted this photo like many others I have posted in photo.net for more than 5 years. Why should I make a composite ?? What would be the reason ? I have never been POW and I didnt post this photo expecting that. I posted for the web comunity to share my one in a life time wildlife experience.

    And by the way I wasn't on my own on the hide.This happened in Norway on the week of 22 January 2005. Another 2 other photographers shared the experience with me .

    Eagle attack


    Sorry for the delay in answering but just back from Finland taken some Golden eagles photos.

    Thank you very much to the moderators of photo.net and for members for your trust in me.

    I was focusing on the static bird at 1/500 to take a pose shot when suddenly I noticed he started looking upwards, from the hide you cant see what is comming from above. I was very happy to get the shot for you to see even is not perfect. If I knew it was going to happend I would have chosen ef300 instead ef500 so I could see the bird comming time before. Also I would like to have used 1/1000 to freeze both birds but events like this happend once in a lifetime without warning.

    I would post the folow up photo that happents 1/30 sec after this shot, both birds collided in mid air.

    Also not sure if is a fight or a ritual...they seemed not to hurt themselves.

    It took me 2 years to get this series in Norway , sacrificing other types of holidays to sit in a hide at -10 waiting to something happend.I have spent days just looking at roks and a few ravens around with no sign of eagles...sometimes I though I was going to go mad !!!

    Once afternoon I was lucky to see one. I could not believed what happened mext !

    Eagle attack


    Martin this is not a manipulated photo.The left eagle is more blurred because the faster speed is travelling.

    I agree a faster shutter speed would have made this one better.

    Eagle attack


    Thank you for your comments.

    This was taken in norway.It took me 7 days 8 hrs per day in a hide at -10c to get this series.


    I think the 1/1 vote is not a mistake , it was done in purpuse to hurt.


    Thank you



    Eagle attack


    Thank you very much for your comments.

    This is an original photo not a composite.It happened as you see it.You could see more eagles fighting at my web site if you have time.The top bird is travelling faster than the bottom as that is why is slighly blurred.

    Photoshop used for minor color/levels and minor image cleaning.

    Thank you

    Bird on a wire


    Thank you for your comments.

    Paul this photo is NOT manipulated , is 100 % real.

    n1. I would not have time or knowledge to put a bird in a wire in ps !!

    n2. You are having paranoid thoughs about this photo.Take a break and Relax :)

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