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Posts posted by lisa_c9

  1. <p>I'm doing a photoshoot for a rock/metal band. its 3 guys. one is exceptionally skinny and the other 2 guys are big/wide. they're all about the same height. any suggestions on posing that will be most flattering. thinking the skinny guy more in front facing head on. the other guys slightly behind him at 3/4 angles. I just would like to even out their size differences in the photo.</p>
  2. Hi I'm drawing up a price quote for my first commercial product shoot.

    the client wants various products shot on white background and a realistic background for use on the website, advertising, brochures etc.

    4 questions:

    1- is it ok for me to charge an additional design fee for photoshop isolation of these products? in other words if I shoot on a white background it isnt necessary a design ready isolated product. is it assumed that this service is included for product photography on a white background?

    2- standard license would give them advertising usage and i would hold copyright. since these items are their exclusive design, engineered by them they may want full copyrights.. not sure how to price this.

    3- should my quote also include my contract? or should i submit my quote and if they accept then send them a contract?

    4- what is a reasonable expectation of how i should invoice and expect payment since this is a corporation. with private individuals i would never turn over the photos until I'm paid in full. Does same hold true for dealing with corporations?


  3. <p>hi guys, im gonna be in death valley next week. its a 2 day/1 night side trip from vegas so i dont have a lot of time and want to plan what time i do have wisely. <br /><br />do you have any advise for locations and must have gear for this type of shooting? im thinkin of mesquite dunes for sunrise. but i also want to shoot badwater salt flats but i guess that would have to be sunset and night time.</p>

    <p>thanks :)</p>

  4. <p>Hi guys,<br />i have a jab interview with Our365 baby photography. Does anybody here have any experience with them. <br /><br />I currently only sell my stuff on the microstock sites but have been looking to break into other areas, esp portrait photography and thought Our365 could be a nice lead in and offer me training to eventually break off and do this kinda thing on my own. <br /><br />If anyone here knows anything about these guys, i'd love to hear your feedback.<br /><br />Thanks :)</p>
  5. <p>this doesnt surprise me..<br>

    i work in a mall and in my down time i often take out my camera to grab some candids. i was informed by a co worker that its against mall policy..<br>

    i continue to do it but on the sly.. recently a security guard approached me and asked me if i was taking pictures of 'my family' or 'the mall'..i guess thats the catch. so from now on i tell them im taking pics of my kids lol.. <br>

    fyi im not sure of the reason for this policy. i've heard everything from homeland security issues to prevention of robbery.</p>

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