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Posts posted by myking76

  1. <p>Just a note about the 70-300...I have one and I hardly use it because it's pretty useless unless there's ample light. Also, if your dad has shaky hands at all, and he's extended out to 300mm, it's going to be difficult to frame a shot. Just my two cents.</p>
  2. <p>If the lighting is really horrible, even a 70-200 f/2.8 will get you some pretty dark exposures. I took pictures of a Stanford/UCLA meet earlier this year, and it was so dark inside that it was pretty difficult to shoot at a high enough shutter speed to freeze the action, and still get an exposure that was good enough...and I think I was shooting at 6400 ISO. My recommendation would be the 85mm f/1.4 (or 1.8 if the 1.4 is too pricey for you) - but if you're gonna get a 70-200 price may not be a sticking point.<br>

    <a href="http://www.myking76.com/Sports/Gymnastics/Stanford-vs-UCLA/11044800_MNbQk#772813010_5QTaF">http://www.myking76.com/Sports/Gymnastics/Stanford-vs-UCLA/11044800_MNbQk#772813010_5QTaF</a></p>

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