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Posts posted by brit_tanner

  1. <p>I have used tulle and actually had one parent hold the baby and one below the baby. I have tried some more stretchy material (using non-living items to practice) and it made me a little too nervous to do with a baby. I got 2 yards of tulle from a fabric store and tried to pick a thicker type between the choices.</p>

    <p><a title="ashernewborn-71 by Briterfly, on Flickr" href=" ashernewborn-71 title="ashernewborn-71 by Briterfly, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3404/3574604894_dba725b816.jpg" alt="ashernewborn-71" width="332" height="500" /> </a> <a title="ashernewborn-9 by Briterfly, on Flickr" href=" ashernewborn-9 title="ashernewborn-9 by Briterfly, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3386/3574600344_9e31a19782.jpg" alt="ashernewborn-9" width="332" height="500" /> </a></p>

  2. <p>For the record...I saw a photog at a swim meet I was coaching at with the R-Strap. I fell in love from afar, and have been searching for nearly 4 months to figure out what the darn thing was called. I emailed the photog to ask about his strap but never got a response. THANK YOU for saving my sanity-I just ordered mine!<br>

    As for the holster-I too, would be afraid of the doorway bump or a passerby knocking it. Plus, I don't think the bride would enjoy my pants falling down under the weight of the clip. For those afraid of dropping it after unclipping-consider trying a handstrap to give you a bit more control/grip!</p>

  3. <p>My brother's first triathlon & my uncle's second win!<br>

    <a title="peachtreetriathalon09-32 by Briterfly, on Flickr" href=" peachtreetriathalon09-32 title="peachtreetriathalon09-32 by Briterfly, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2441/3544281554_db3359571c.jpg" alt="peachtreetriathalon09-32" width="332" height="500" /> </a></p>

    <p><a title="peachtreetriathalon09-32 by Briterfly, on Flickr" href=" peachtreetriathalon09-32 title="peachtreetriathalon09-32 by Briterfly, on Flickr"><a href=" peachtreetriathalon09-45 title="peachtreetriathalon09-45 by Briterfly, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2228/3544277652_a4484d5369.jpg" width="332" height="500" alt="peachtreetriathalon09-45" /></a> </a></p>

  4. <p>It depends on if you are doing the session in a studio or on location. For seniors and families, I find it easier and more comfortable for the clients to be outside or somewhere they are used to, like their living room. It allows them to interact naturally, which in turn makes it less stressful for you worrying about posing. Personally, I don't adversite a set number of images per session, but instead have a time frame (typically 1-2 hours). Depending on what the client wants to see out of the images, we may go to a variety of locations or stay in one place, and this can play a part in how many images you leave with. You could even ask the client before the session how many pictures they are hoping to recieve. If they only want 2 or 3, you won't be stressing out about a large variety of poses and shots. As far as proofs go, I currently do not do proofing. I offer a disc with edited images as part of the package price, with the option to order prints. The client knows before booking that these discs are mid-resolution and are fine for printing 8x10 and smaller. <br>

    Remember that parents want to see their child for who they are, they don't (typically) want the obviously posed images. If a kid likes bubbles, go outside and have the parent blow some! Things like this bring out those genuine smiles we all strive to capture. As for seniors, in the area I work in, seniors sessions reflect their interests. If they like music, let them bring their instrument or go to a music store, if they like swimming, do the session around a pool. Just my two cents, but I hope this helps out some!</p>

  5. <p>I am both a special education teacher and photographer, so I have somewhat of a different take on time frame. The special needs kids will probably run you anywhere from 5-15 minutes each, and that's if the teacher has in mind how to place them (if they are in wheelchairs) before coming in. Please try to have the kids out of their wheelchairs when yo udo their picture-otherwise they look like they have horns coming off their backs with the handles! You might suggest those classes coming in earlier than when the school day officially begins. Our school portrait photographers are usually set up by 7:30am (day begins at 8am) and I bring my students in one at a time as they get off the bus. This helps keep the flow going during the day by not having to hold up any lines. <br>

    As far as general classes go, our school has an administrator stay in the gym (where pictures are taken) and radio to the office to call classes to come in. This keeps the flow going. Also, alphabetical order is a must, with the teacher giving you a list before the first student's photo is taken (even have the teacher go first as a class divider). Just my 2 cents..hope it helps!</p>

  6. <p>Hi There! I have been assisting a photographer for over a year, and have been given the go-ahead to branch out on my own. I have a meeting set up this week with a potential wedding client, and I am curious to get an idea of what you all bring when meeting for the first time. I do not have a studio so we will be meeting at a local coffee shop that has neat little 'meeting rooms' set aside. I do not want to seem too forward by bringing contracts and such, but I also do not want to be unprepaired. The client has been to my website and blog, so do I need bring my computer and/or an album to show off additional work? What other paperwork should I bring? Thanks so much for helping me out!</p>
  7. <p>Hey! I couldn't find a "send message" button on your profile. I would be interested in second shooting! I live in Milledgeville (1.5 hours south of ATL), but grew up inside the perimeter. What would be the best way to get in touch with you to share my information in not such a public way? :-)</p>
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