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Image Comments posted by oleg_boldyrev

    TEA(ch) a lesson

    Nice lighting, a bit cramped on two sides with unexplained space on the other - is the cup going into motion? But, above all - what is the point? It does feel distinctly unpleasant, not a bad quality in itself, but only if serving some purpose...
  1. I like the mosaic, almost chemical crystal effect of it. I would, however, add a bit of toning, if only a little to separate the shades of gray which may be too close to each other. But - a very nice shot overall.


    I think it's that type of grain which is neither smooth, nor 'golf ball' enough to be attractive, clumpy sort of. Specks of dust, easily clearable, do take away from the image, as does some irregularity on girl's cheek. Lighting is good and dof too, facial expression is very good. Although the pose, especially given the lady's dimensions, is somewhat awkward.
  2. Was topical for St. Valentine, I suppose. Please, judge. I am also

    interested of your opinions on the look of red parrot's front

    feathers. Is it something called 'blooming' or is normal? If it's

    indeed blooming, what's the way of rectifying? I tried to supporess

    saturation increase on this area, but only just.

  3. Well, you could put people there, but only on promise not to bulid anything above three men height. Toning is a bit peculiar, I'd like to see something a tad bluer and a bit less saturated (simple colorisation at 218:11 something like that). And what was the light - is it a night time or dusk with a very long exposure? Very good picture indeed.
  4. I appreciate that shooting this remote place was awfully difficult. But still, in an ideal world I would prefer more sharpness on the front face of the rock and something instead of a burn in the top part of the sky. Strange wavy perspective on the left also chips away from the magic of the image. But just. Still looks amazing.

    The red bridge

    In my opinion, it's balancing on that edge between a composite and a processed photograph. I can't believe the clouds were present as they are, this type of cloud can't hang that low as to envelop the branches. Foliage lighting is too diffused for this type of day. Don;t know why, but it does bother me as a viewer - if the author would make it more obvious it's a composite, a mix, I wouldn't trouble questoining it, I suppose. Then again, it's not for nothing that all composite tutorials spend all this time on correct shadow arrangements and relative brightness...
  5. I can't measure the range of contrast between the truck and ground in the original and the exhibit, but it still looks unnatural. What's most important - it doesn't have to be that prominent, the image would work fine without so much of the accentuation on the Rover. Otherwise it's really good and I don't care where the sky came from.
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