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Image Comments posted by alex1


    With the sinister lighting and colours, I expect her to be shooting crack or contemplating suicide. Instead, she's painting her nails...


    While I recognize the value in simple, abstract shapes, the dull colors, lack of sharpness and centered composition in this shot struggle to hold my attention.
  1. Nah, I like the top. It adds an important point of interest in an otherwise monochromatic scene. I find the way her left arm disappears behind the body distracting though. I think the image would appear more natural if her arm stretched along her side instead.
  2. I really like the absurdity of this image, which is reinforced by her apparent awkwardness with the wrench. Nitpicking: I wish the top of her head and sole of her shoes had a little more space in the frame.
  3. Great setting, but I feel she blends a little too well into the dark portion of the image. Why not move the camera down and to the left to frame her against the lighter, distant background? This would also better capture the dizzy feeling of standing before so much space.


    Nice gritty tones, but I don't feel any connection with the subject. I also feel that his head blends in with the garbage bin.


    I really like the simplicity of this shot. I wish the horizon was level and on the bottom 1/3rd of the frame (to give the tree more space). I recognize, though, that levelling the horizon would cause the tree to lean unnaturally to the right.


    I find the patterns on the brick sidewalk are the most interesting part of this photo. Unfortunately, the harsh filter prevents me from really soaking them up.

    five eggs

    I like this a lot. My eye is instantly drawn to the black above the eggs; i think it's a great example of effective use of negative space. I'm curious about how the eggs would look if lit from both sides, and I'm also suspicious of a slight downward slant across the tops of the eggs from left to right..

    bride and mother

    I like this picture: i like the contrast between the bride and the playful young boys. I feel the composition is a little too crowded, though, and think things would feel more natural if everybody was a step further apart. This would make some important bits clearer, such as the bride holding the flowers and taking off her shoe.


    By far my favourite in this folder; I like how the black on the left is evey bit as important as the texture on the right in establishing context and mood.
  4. Agreed. I think that would also help show the sunroof in context of the whole car and help reduce flare in the lens. The only tricky part might be keeping the tones on her face even; if she tilted her head back i think the sun (which is now highlighting her hair) might creep across her forehead.


    Thanks of the input.

    Do not be afraid

    I really like this picture; in particular i like the chaotic way her hair falls around her face. I think it gives her an anxious appearance. That feeling is in perfect contrast with the hands, which offer reassurance. However, i wish more of the hand on the right was visible; it's somewhat formless right now, and at first glance i wasn't sure what it was.
  5. I agree it's not overly original but neihters half the stuff on here.


    I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit for the framing. I feel that bisecting the picture with the rail, with the rider above and the spectators neatly contained below creates a fantastic sense of seperation between the "those who can", and "those who watch". Sure, i've seen other sports shots taken through ultra-wide lenses, but that doesn't discount the uniqueness of this one. Or perhaps I should give up photography right now because the street photos i shoot on tri-X through my 52mm lens have "been done before".

  6. I think the children's complete disinterest in the lights and girls is well captured here, and effectively highlighted by the young boy pointing at the camera. The smoke and the fact that we can only see the bodies of the ladies adds to my perception that they are worlds apart. I only wish the boy's hand didn't obscure his face. Great photo.
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