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Posts posted by kate_rocheleau

  1. <p>You're missing my point David, if you want to be an asshole then just say it to the person but don't hide behind a smoke screen.<br>

    If you truly do want to know what the point of it is, why be specific about other people's specific photography in a hurtful way? Why not just ask "what's the point?" and end it there to generate discussion. But no you had to involve others photography in an insulting manner. That's what pissed me off about your post.<br>

    Are my comments irritating because they're partly true?<br>

    Others posted some street photographers to check out and it was helpful and that's great but I hate to see "buy in" to your post when it's not being honest and again something that just ticked me off so I let the words fly. I don't know you so perhaps my words may have been pretentious and harsh but so was parts of your post that single other people's "bad" (in your opinion) photography. That's all.</p>

  2. <p>Jeff if you think this thread is useful discussion then I'm on the wrong website. Art is art and if others disagree since when is it okay to bash it while hidding behind a smoke screen of "i don't understand the point of it" bullshit. It's rude, plain and simple and I see through what the poster is doing by claiming not to "understand".<br>

    And to Micheal, you're statement is just as useless as this thread.</p>


  3. <p>David your post is so irritating I can't believe your audacity. Grow up and keep your useless opinions to yourself or say it to the person who's photo you are critiquing. But to start a thread about it? What kind of answer are you looking for anyway?<br>

    To everyone else trying to encourage with recommendations of street photographers, save your breath, David has nor the maturity or understanding to take it seriously. This post is a cry for attention nothing more.</p>

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